clickable items link to Wordcraft Archives, which may have further notes
mater see dura mater
piacular making expiation
or atonement (also, rarely: calling for expiation; sinful, wicked,
(oxymoron) a
picaΉ,² 1.
abnormal craving to eat chalk, ash, dirt, etc.. 2. a printer's measure,
equaling 1/6 in.
picayune of little value; paltry (noun: a trifle)
pickthank a sycophant; a yes-man (one who
would steal your gratitude and pick a thank)
Pickwickian eponym: (of a word)
intended or taken "in a sense other than the obvious or literal one" (M-W)
or "in an idiosyncratic or unusual way: a word used in a Pickwickian
manner." (AHD) But it seems more exact to define it as "used
to mean the opposite of what it would literally seem".
pictograph 1. a picture representing a word or idea; a hieroglyph 2.
a pictorial representation of numerical data, esp. a graph having each
value represented by a proportional number of pictures
pie (etymology) see
pie wagon a police van; a van used to
transport prisoners to jail
piebald with patches of black and white (or less frequently, other colors)
pied patterned with
separate colors (orig., black and white) in distinct patches
piedmont land lying or
formed at the base of mountains (also adj. Etymologically, it means mountain-foot.]
piepowder a traveling salesman or trader
pifflecated drunk; intoxicated
pikeΉ a certain large freshwater fish
[probably referring to its long, pointed jaw] Also pike²
a kind of spear
pilaster an ornamental column, rectangular, attached to a wall, and
projecting from the wall
pilcrow the Ά sign
pillion a seat for a passenger on a motorcycle; a similar second seat
on a horse
pillock British: a stupid person;
a fool, an idiot [orig. Scottish for penis]
pince-nez eyeglasses without
earpieces, that clip to the nose by a spring [literally, "pinch-nose"
in French]
pinchbeck eponym: an alloy used imitate gold in jewelry; also,
(noun & adj.) cheap imitation
pinguescence the process of growing fat (see fussock)
pink collar relating to a class of jobs once traditionally filled by
pintle the vertical pin in a door
hinge; a pin or bolt on which another part pivots (diminutive of pin)
pinyin the system for representing
Chinese words in our alphabet
pipit a small songbird
resembling the lark
piquant (accent on first
1. of pleasantly sharp (esp. spicy) taste (crisp, piquant flavor
and fragrance Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook)
2. pleasantly stimulating or exciting; engagingly provocative; also :
having a lively arch charm
pique a feeling of
wounded pride (verb: 1. to cause resentment 2. to provoke;
arouse: to pique one's curiosity
piscine like a fish
pismire an ant
piss Australian slang: alcoholic
pissant insignificant, worthless,
petty; contemptible (noun: a person of that sort)
pissed (in the
pistil the female (seed-bearing) part
of a flower
pituitary 1. of or
secreting phlegm or mucus 2. relating to the pituitary
gland a small gland, at the base of the brain, the secretions of
which control the other endocrine glands
pixelated divided into pixels, such as computer graphics
pixilated insane, whimsical; bewildered, confused (typically used in negative
sense of coyly, often insufferably, "kooky"); also, intoxicated,
plage the beach of a
seaside resort
plangent 1. loudly beating or
reverberating: the plangent wave; 2. lamenting, plaintive.
platonic eponym: of a relationship marked by the
absence of romance or sex; purely spiritual or ideal
playa a temporary lake after
rain; the desert basin, barren and salty, where that lake forms
plebeian one of the common people or
lower classes; also, a coarse, crude, or vulgar person. (adj: of
or pertaining to the common people; also, vulgar; common; crude or
plenipotentiary adj: invested with full power
and authority. noun: a diplomat having such power
pleonasm redundancy in language ("I saw it with my own eyes"). often
used to refer to a redundant name, as "PIN Number", where the N in
"PIN" means "number"
plethora an over-abundance: not problematic, but more
than required. (Some
dictionaries give as a secondary meaning an abundance, not necessarily
over-abundance.) Our users add that 'plethora' applies only to countable things
plexure a plaiting or
pliant (noun: pliancy)
easily influenced or swayed; pliable
plimsoll line eponym: a line on the side of a ship; it is overloaded and unsafe
the Plimsoll line sinks below the waterline
plinth (also here) a heavy architectural
base, as for supporting a statue or vase [cognate with flint]
plog a web-based tool used by colleagues to keep tabs on group
plonk Brit/Aus slang: cheap, inferior
plunger the buttons upon which a
telephone headset rests when it is hung up; more generally, a machine part that
operates with a thrusting or plunging movement
pluton a body of igneous rock formed
beneath the surface of the earth by consolidation of magma
pluvial relating to rain; or,
having abundant rain
pochemuchka (Russian) the inquisitive child
who nags with constant questions
pococurante eponym: nonchalant;
podcasts radio shows and
other audio programs posted on the Internet, available for download
podomancy divination by the feet [dictionary at mancy
lists 54 form of divination]
podsnap an insularly complacent, self-satisfied person who refuses to
face unpleasant facts
poetaster a poet who writes insignificant,
tawdry or shoddy poetry; an inferior rhymer; a rhymester
Pogglethrope one gleefully taking joy in self-satisfaction,
like a clucking strutting hen. [Not in dictionary; a wonderful coinage,
reported 1871, which unfortunately did not catch on.]
pogonotrophy the care and feeding of beards [Also pogonic
relating to beards; pogonologist a writer
on beards; pogonology a treatise on beards; pogonotomy the cutting of the beard; shaving]
poison pill
(corporate takeovers) an corporations arrangement that an attempted takeover of it will
trigger certain events the events being ones that make the takeover less
polemology the study of war, esp.
as an academic discipline
political football
politicaster a petty politician; a pretender
or dabbler in politics
Pollyanna eponym: a person of
irrepressible optimism, finding good in everything
poltroon an utter coward
polyandry multiple husbands
polygamy multiple spouses
polyglot 1. a book
with the same text in different languages (esp. the Bible) 2. someone
who can speak multiple languages 3.
a confusion of languages. adj. speaking or writing, or written in,
several languages
polygyny multiple wives
polyhistor a person with broad knowledge (contrast polymath)
polymastia the condition of having more than the usual (two) breasts
polymath a person of great or varied
learning (contrast polyhistor)
polysemy use of the same word is listed as having several senses: cut the
grass, cut the cake, cut the budget, cut classes
polysyndeton use of repeated conjunctions for rhetorical effect:
here and there and everywhere.(contrast asyndeton)
pommel the front part of a saddle; the
saddle horn
pommie Australian & New Zealand
slang; derogatory: a Brit, esp. a recent immigrant
eponym: a
womans or mans hairstyle (like Elvis') with the hair swept
up over the forehead
pontificate to speak or express opinions in
a pompous or dogmatic way
pontil an iron rod used by glass makers
for manipulating the hot glass. (also called puntil,
puntel, punty, pontee or ponty). See
also punt
Ponzi scheme eponym: a kind of financial fraud, akin to a
pyramid scheme
poof British; offensive: a
male homosexual
pooh-bah eponym: a pompous
ostentatious official, esp. one who, holding many offices, fulfills none
of them
pooter eponym: a suction bottle
for collecting insects
popinjay a vain, talkative person
popliteal pertaining to the hollow area at
the back of the knee
poppling the sound of rain falling on
water (also, tossing, bubbling, or rippling motion, as water tumbling
over rocks)
poppycock senseless talk; nonsense [In the
view of some, the root meaning is "baby poop".]
porcelain (etymology) a
white vitrified translucent ceramic
porcine like a pig
porknell resembling a pig (see fussock)
porter a beer style popular in
Portia a female advocate
or barrister.
portmanteau (plural portmanteaux) a large
leather suitcase that opens into two hinged compartments
portmanteau word a word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two
different words, as chortle, from chuckle and snort
portolan pertaining to maritime
navigation of ports and coasts
POSSLQ or Posslq Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
post hoc the logical fallacy of
concluding that if one thing happens after another, the first must is the cause
of the second.
postilion one who, in lieu of a coachman,
guides a coach by riding the leading nearside horse of a team or pair
postpose to place (a word or phrase) after, in a sentence
postprandial after a meal; particularly after
postvention [found in use, but not in dictionaries]
debriefing or intervention after a crisis
potamophobia fear of rivers
Potemkin village something
that appears elaborate and impressive but in actual fact lacks substance
potpourri 1. a
combination of incongruous things 2. a miscellaneous anthology or
collection (as of stories or music) 3. mixed of dried flower petals and
spices used to scent the air
pottage a soup or stew (potage (one "t") a thick soup)
potted Brit; informal:
summarized or abridged
potter's field a burial ground
for burying paupers and unclaimed bodies; also figurative
pouf a low stuffed or
padded seat or cushion
powfag dial: to work to the point of
prζnomen see cognomen
praetorian venal; corrupt
praseodymium a rare
silvery-white metallic element, of the lanthanide (rare-earth) series
prate to talk idly and
at length (typically about trivial matters); to chatter
precious affectedly dainty or over-refined
precocious showing unusually early mental development (not necessarily
preposterous utterly absurd or ridiculous [The term is an oxymoron: Latin prae "before" + posterus "after"]
prescient having foresight, anticipating the significance of events
prestidigitation 1. a. slight of hand; legerdemain b. performing magic
tricks for an audience; skill therein [prestidigitator] 2. deceitful cleverness; "juggling with words".
[at root, "fast fingers"]
prestigiator a juggler or a prestidigitator
prestigious etymology: derogatory until the 19th century,
meaning "practicing illusion or magic; deception". Applied to
Napoleon in 1815 in the sense of "dazzling influence."
preterite noun: the simple past tense. adj.: expressing
past action
prevaricate to avoid giving a
direct answer to a question (note: unlike to lie, it has a sense
of evasion and of stalling, delaying)
priapic eponym: 1. phallic 2.
overly concerned with masculinity [priapism
persistent, usually painful penile erection, esp. from disease rather
than arousal]
pricket 1. a small spike to hold
a candle upright; a candlestick with that spike 2. a buck in its second
year, before the antlers branch
priest's hole a secret chamber
or hiding-place for a (Roman Catholic) priest (in times of the penal laws)
primogeniture the system of inheritance in which all
the belongings and title pass to the oldest son
primrose a pale yellow
primus inter pares
first among equals
princeps chief, headman; also,
first edition of book (usually in the phrase editio princeps)
prion a microscopic protein particle similar
to a virus but lacking nucleic acid
priscian; priscianist eponym: a grammarian [from Priscianus, a celebrated Roman
grammarian, c500-530]
prisoner of war a captured member a country's armed forces (or of an organized resistance movement, in certain circumstances) [precise meaning is much misunderstood in dictionaries and the press]
procrustean eponym: acting with mindless and harmful
disregard of natural variation or individuality; producing strict conformity by ruthless or arbitrary
procumbent lying face down
profligate recklessly wasteful; also, dissolute; ignoring
the constraints of convention or morality
profligation defeat; rout; overthrow
prognathous having a lower jaw that projects
prognosticate to foretell,
proletarian of the commonalty, of the lowest
class of people; hence, mean; vile; vulgar. (noun: a member of the
working class). proletariat the laboring
class; the poorest class of wage earners
prolix (of speech or
writing) tediously lengthy
promethean (usually capitalized) so boldly
creative as to have a life-giving quality; inspiring.
prone lying on one's stomach (contrast supine
lying on one's back)
pronk verb: to leap
through the air, as an antelope does. noun: a weak or foolish person
prophylactic acting to prevent something, esp. disease (noun: this
is familiar)
propitiate to appease; to
gain or regain the favor of
proprioception see kinesthesia. proprioceptive regarding
perception of stimuli within the body
prorupt countries:
mostly compact in shape but having a significant appendage
proscenium an arch framing
the opening between the stage and the auditorium; also called proscenium
arch. (A secondary meaning of proscenium is "the part of a
stage in front of the curtain".)
prosopography a study that identifies
and relates a group of persons or characters within a particular historical or
literary context
Prospero eponym: a person or thing like Prospero,
esp. in being capable of magic or of influencing others' behavior or
perceptions without their knowledge
protean eponym: readily assuming
different shapes or roles
proxene (Greek
'fire-stranger') a class of rocks thought to be formed without volcanic
processes, without fire
prude (etymology) originally a
positive term in French, meaning "wise woman", short for prude
femme (modeled after preudomme, which employed homme= man ). But the French word shifted in mean to refer to
"a woman too wise, too observant of decorum and propriety", and it
then came into English with that shifted, negative meaning.
prurient having or causing
an excessive interest in sex
pruritis itching, esp. without any mark on
the skin
psalter a collection of Psalms for
liturgical or devotional use
psalterium one of four parts of a cow's stomach; see abomasum
psaphonic related to outrageous
self-promotion [But a caution: not in OED; meaning subject to dispute]
psephology the study of political elections
psithurism the sound of the wind rustling
the leaves
psyche eponym: soul; self; mind
psychomancy divination by the soul, affections, or dispositions of men [dictionary at mancy lists 54 form of divination]
psychometric the measurement of mental traits, abilities,
and processes
psyops military: psychological
operations; that is, operations to influence their emotions,
motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of the target
ptochocracy government by the
ptosis a drooping or limp, half-closed upper eyelid
publican the keeper of a pub
publication bias the tendency of scientific journals to report findings
of correlation but bury examples of absence of correlation
puffery hype; exaggerated
praise, especially for promotion
puffin crossing a pedestrian crossing
with traffic lights partly controlled by sensors which detect the presence of
pugilist a boxer
pugnacious combative; quick to argue or
puissant powerful; strong; mighty. (noun:
pulchritude physical comeliness and appeal (esp. of women)
pule (also here) to
cry weakly or querulously; to whine, whimper,
pulking a variety of skijoring:
dogs pull a sled (pulk),
which in turn pulls a skier
pullman eponym: a railroad parlor car or sleeping car
pullulate 1. to breed rapidly or
abundantly. 2. to teem; swarm: a lagoon that pullulated with tropical
pultrusion (from pull + extrusion) a manufacturing process
that produces constant cross-section composite materials
puna 1. a high
bleak plateau in the Peruvian Andes 2. difficulty of breathing due to
thin atmosphere; mountain sickness
punaise a bed-bug
Punch eponym (as in Punch and
Punch and Judy show internal bickering that is low-spirited, vicious, destructive
and endless
Punchinello eponym: a squat grotesque person
punctilio (also here) 1.
a fine or over-fine point of etiquette 2. precise observance of
pungent sharply strong in smell or
taste; also, of remarks: cutting and caustic
puntΉ 1. the indentation in the bottom of a champagne or wine
bottle (see pontil for synonyms) 2.
an open flatbottom boat for shallow waters, usually propelled by a long pole;
to travel in a punt; propel a boat with a pole
punt² from
puppy-dog eyes a person's eyes
(or general expression or appearance), likened to a puppy's, in appearing
mournful, beseeching, or winsome, or in seeking to elicit sympathy or
puppyism extreme meanness,
affectation, conceit, or impudence
purblind 1.
partially sighted. 2. lacking in discernment or understanding
puritanical eponym: overscrupulous; rigid; marked by stern
purl stitch one of the two basic stitches in knitting
(the other being the knit stitch).
For details, see archives.
purloin to steal
purple prose prose that is too
purpure purple
pursy fat and short of breath (see fussock)
putative commonly thought or deemed; supposed; reputed: the putative
father of a child
putto (plural putti) a representation of a naked child, especially a
cherub or a cupid
pyromancy divination by fire [dictionary at mancy
lists 54 form of divination]
pyroxferroite; pyroxferoite a mineral of the
proxene ('stranger') class, not of earth, found on the moon
pyrrhic victory eponym: a victory won at an excessive costs that
outweigh the benefits
pyrrhonism eponym: extreme
skepticism; universal doubt
pyx the container in
which the wafer of the Eucharist is kept (also:
a chest in a mint in which specimen coins are placed to await assay)
qaf see qoph
QALY "quality-adjusted life year", a
measure by health economists for efficacy of a drug: years of life provided, adjusted
for quality of life (1.0 = perfect health). If a drug costing $1,000
extends a person's life in prefect health for one year and then the person
dies, the drug costs $1,000 per QALY.
Q-boat; Q-ship an armed ship disguised as a merchant or fishing ship to decoy
enemy submarines into gun range
qepiq Azerbaijani currency: 100 qepiq = 1
qiana; Qiana a silklike nylon fabric,
introduced by DuPont in 1968
qintar Albanian currency 100 qindarka
= 1 lek
qiviut the soft wool lying beneath the
long coat of the muskox [Inuit, pl. of qiviuq = down, underhair]
qoph the 19th letter of the Hebrew
alphabet. The equivalent letter in the Arabic alphabet is called qaf.
quadroon offspring of a mulatto and a white [one-quarter black]. see mulatto
quagmire land with a soft muddy surface; also
a difficult or precarious situation; a predicament.
quahog an
qualtagh (from Manx,
the Gaelic language of the
1. the first person to step into
your home (or the first person you meet) on New Years Day
2. [capitalized] a
Christmas or New Years custom of going caroling door to door, singing for food
or gifts
quanked overpowered by fatigue [obsolete; from The Word Museum
by J. Kacirk]
quantitate to measure or estimate the
quantity of
quaquaversal (mainly Geol.) turning or dipping
in any or all directions
quarterback from US football: to lead
or direct the operations of
quasihemisemidemiquaver see quaver
Quasimodo eponym; surfing: a maneuver in which the surfer rides hunched at the
front of the board with head down, one arm forward and one arm
quassia [eponym] a medicine against
intestinal worms
quaver (music) the ♪,
also called an eighth-note in the
demiquaver half a quaver; a 16th note
semidemiquaver half a demiquaver; a 32nd note
hemisemidemiquaver half a semidemiquaver; a 64th note
quasihemisemidemiquaver half a hemisemidemiquaver; a 128th
Queen Anne's lace a common wildflower with a large, lacy white head (8th
picture here).
Akin to the carrot; can be used as a garden flower.
Queer Street a condition of financial
instability or embarrassment
queme to slip in, to put
in privately [the term has other meanings, not mentioned here.]
quercitron the black
oak (also called quercitron oak); its bright orange inner bark; a yellow dye
obtained from that inner bark
queue a line of people or
vehicles waiting for something
qui vive (noun) alert; lookout; used in
the phrase on the qui vive
quicksilver rapidly shifting and changeable esp. with the sense of elusive, hard-to-catch
[Wordcrafter definition; Im not satisfied with what the dictionaries give.]
quicunque vult [bizarre etymology] see Athanasian
quid one pound sterling, in British
money. (plural is 'quid', not 'quids')
quiddity a hairsplitting distinction; a
quidnunc one who seeks to know all the
latest news or gossip; a busybody
quiff a woman regarded as promiscuous
(among other meanings)
quim see swive
quinella a bet where the bettor
must name the top two finishers
quipu an ancient Inca record-keeping
device: colored strings knotted so as to encode information
quirt a short-handled
riding whip with a braided leather lash
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards
themselves? ("Who will keep the authorities on the straight and
quisling eponym: a traitor who collaborates by serving in the
invaders puppet government
Quisqualis a genus, so named (Latin: 'what for') because Linnaeus was
unsure how to classify it
quisquilious made of rubbish
quixotic eponym: idealistic
without regard to practicality
quiz [one sense] chiefly British: to poke fun at; mock
quoin a wedge-shaped block used to lock type in a chase
quondam that once was; former
quotidian 1. occurring/returning
daily: a quotidian fever 2. of
an everyday character; ordinary, commonplace, trivial (compare circadian;
qwerty pertaining to the standard
keyboard-arrangement of an english-language keyboard
Rabelaisian eponym: marked by gross robust humor or
extravagant caricature
rachmanism eponym: unscrupulous behavior by landlords
racket [verb] to make or
move with a loud distressing noise (also, to lead an active social life)
racklettes the skin's small, thin
wrinkle-lines at a joint, as at the wrist [according to one source]
Radfahrer German
colloquial: one who flatters superiors and brow-beats subordinates
Raffles eponym: a
gentleman thief; an educated or upper-class man who engages in discreet larceny
[Wordcrafter note: perhaps it also means one who thus steals from the upper class?]
rag, tag, and bobtail
the rabble
rageaholic person prone to extreme, frequent, unprovoked outbursts of rage
raglan eponym: an overcoat or other garment
with the sleeve going right up to the neck, so that there is no shoulder seam
[pictured here and here]
raillery good-humored banter or teasing
repartee; jesting language
rain check an assurance that an offer, not
accepted now, will be repeated later (esp., a seller's commitment to sell an
out-of-stock item at the advertised price as soon as it becomes available) So
says the dictionary. But I would suggest that the term more generally means
(without regard to any "offer") "a deferral".
raison d'etre (or raison d'κtre)
reason or justification for existing
raked slanted; oblique; coming in at an
rambunctious noisy, boisterous and disorderly
ramp a vegetable resembling
broad-leaved scallion, with strong garlicky-onion flavor
rampallian a ruffian,
villain, scoundrel
rampant heraldry: rearing
on hind legs with forelegs extended. See
dormant, guardant, saliant for other heraldic terms.
rampasture a room in which several unmarried men reside, usually in a boarding
house or inn
rampick (of a tree or
bough) partly decayed or dead; bare of leaves or twigs (obs. except dial.)
rampike a standing dead
tree or tree stump, esp. one killed by fire
ranchero a ranch owner; a rancher
random walk a sequence of steps in which the
characteristics (direction; size) of each step is randomly determined. random walk theory the view that past
movement or direction of a stock's price cannot be used to predict its future
ranine froglike
rantallion Groses
Dictionary: one whose scrotum is so relaxed as to be longer than his penis,
i.e. whose shot pouch is longer than the barrel of his piece. (See here.)
rapacious aggressively greedy; grasping
[Latin rapere to snatch]
the seamlike union of two halves of a body organ (as the tongue)
rapscallionry the quality of
being a rapscallion a mischievous person; a
rascal; a ne'er-do well
rara avis a rare or unique person or
thing. [Latin for 'rare bird'; plural rara avises or rarae aves.]
rariora rare
rasorial given to scratching the ground
for food, as chickens do. akin to 'razor' (see risorial)
rass Jamaican slang (coarse): the buttocks; also, a
term of contempt
rathskeller a beer hall or
restaurant in a basement
ratiocinate to reason methodically and logically
rattlepated rattle-headed; lacking sense or discretion
raven; ravin verb: to devour voraciously
(as in "preying upon"), or to have such an appetite: Beasts
ravening for blood and slaughter (noun: voracity; gluttony)
reactionary an extreme
conservative; one opposed of progress or liberalism (also as an
reaganomics the economic policies of
President Reagan, esp. those of promoting the unrestricted action of
free-market forces in commerce and reducing the taxation of earnings from
realpolitik political realism or practical politics, esp. policy based
on power rather than on ideals
rebarbative repellently
rebus a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of
pictures and letters
recalcitrant stubbornly, defiantly resistant
to authority or guidance. Figuratively, "kicking like a
mule". From re- "back" + Latin calcitrare "to
kick" from calx "heel."
recreant 1. abjectly
cowardly 2. disloyal (noun: a recreant person)
rectitude moral uprightness; righteousness
(rectitude is not an entirely complimentary term)
recuse to disqualify (as a judge) from
participation in a decision on grounds such as prejudice or personal
red cent insignificant value not worth a red cent (informal)
red herring something intended to divert
attention from the real problem or matter at hand
red state or blue state
red tide brownish-red discoloration in
seawater, due to proliferation of certain plankton. toxic
● for men: a long
double-breasted topcoat with full skirt. [Wordcrafter note: I believe this can
be for women
for women: a
full-length coat or dress open down the front to show a dress or underdress
red-letter day (etymology) originates with the
tradition of marking holy days in a church calendar in red
red-pencil to censor, cut, revise, or
correct with or as if with a red pencil
reduplicative linguistics (noun): a word formed by "doubling" an
element, as hanky-panky
redux brought back, returned to
(used after the word it modifies)
reest to smoke or cure either
meat or fish
reeve a steward
appointed by a landowner to superintend his estates, tenants, or workmen
reflexive directed back on itself (grammar herself is reflexive in the
sentence She dressed herself.)
refulgent shining radiantly; brilliant;
regardful mindful of; heedful (word has a sense
of respect and deference) (contrast the familiar word regardless)
regolith the loose rock on the surface, resting on bedrock
reify to make or treat something
abstract as real
remora a certain fish,
with a sucking disk it uses to attach itself to a ship or to a shark,
whale, etc.
remplissage padding a literary or musical work [not in OED; in Mrs. Bryne
and some other private dictionaries. Fr. remplir to fill up]
rendition the surrender of a person, as for interrogation
rentier a person living on income from
property or investments
repechage (or repκchage) a trial
heat (esp. in rowing) where competitors who have lost a heat get another
chance to qualify for the semifinals or finals
repine 1. to feel or express
discontent 2. to long for something
replete filled or
well-supplied, esp. with food
repoussι used esp. of decorative
metalwork: with raised patterns formed by hammering or pressing into the
reverse side
reptilian cold-bloodedly
treacherous (also, of course, relating to or resembling reptiles)
resile to draw back from, lit. or fig.
(as from a contract; from a stretching/compression/impact; from a position)
ret to soak (flax, for
example) so as to separate the fibers [cognate with to rot]
retail politics politics at the one-on-one or small group level,
not the mass-media level [not in dictionaries; Wordcrafter definition]
retiary of or like nets or netmaking
reticulum one of four parts
of a cow's stomach; see abomasum
retrocopulant retrogenerative (see below)
retrogenerative copulating from behind
retrogression going back to a less advanced state or
retromingent urinating backwards
revanchism the policy of a nation to aggressively regain territories
that have been lost
revenge googling one source claims: online dissing of a former beau
after a relationship gone bad
rhadamanthine rigorously and uncompromisingly
rheum a watery discharge
from the eyes or nose [among other meanings]
rhizome see geophyte
rhopalic a "growing" verse, sentence, or series of words,
with each item longer than the one before (typically one element longer)
rhotacism mispronunciation or overuse of
sound [r] (underuse of it is pararhotacism)
rhumb; rhumb line the path of a ship or plane that maintains an unchanging compass
direction. Also called a loxodrome.
rhymester a poor and petty poet
rhytiscopia a neurotic preoccupation with facial wrinkles
riant cheerful; mirthful
(knitting) formed
by alternating knit and purl stitches in a steady pattern; a springier
fabric; works well for cuffs, necklines and hemlines.
rick a stack of hay,
corn, or straw [among other meanings]
rickroll to lead
an internet user to a web page containing a music video of "Never Gonna
Give You Up", by Rick Astley (I am not making this up!)
riddle a large coarse
sieve, as for separating, sand from gravel, ashes from cinders, etc. [akin to
the sense of 'riddled' meaning 'having many holes or faults', as a corpse
riddled with bullets. unrelated to the sense of riddle as
rigmarole or rigamarole a long and
complicated and confusing procedure
rime [adj: rimy] a coating of ice (or a
like coating of something else)
ring the circle above the vowel, as in ΕεŮů
ring of
fire an extensive zone of volcanic and seismic
activity that coincides roughly with the borders of the
ringer one who, entering a competition,
conceals or fraudulently represents his high level of qualification. [from
riparian relating to
riverbanks (although often mis-used to include littoral)
riposte a quick clever reply
riprap loose stone used
to stabilize a riverbank, or for like purposes (illustration)
risible provoking laughter
risorial pertaining to laughter (akin to 'risible' and to Fr rire to laugh) (see rasorial)
elegant; fancy
riverine relating to
RN Rearendis Numbicitis (motorcycle
riding malady) <wink>
roadomancy divination by stars [dictionary at mancy
lists 54 form of divination]
roborant a strengthening, restoring drug;
a tonic (adj: restoring vigor or strength). roberate:
to strengthen; to corroborate
rodomontade; rhodomontade
eponym: bragging speech; vain boasting or bluster
roister to celebrate
noisily and boisterously
roman ΰ clef [romahn-a-KLAY] a novel using
actual persons/events disguised as fiction [plural romans ΰ clef]
Romeo eponym: a lover, a passionate admirer; a
seducer, a habitual pursuer of women
rondeau 1. a musical form, often ending a sonata (synonym rondel) 2. a poetry form, 10 or 13 lines, two rhymes
throughout, with the opening phrase repeated twice as a refrain
rood a crucifix symbolizing
the cross on which Jesus died (esp. a large one in a medieval church,
above the rood screen or rood beam) [The term is also used as an old unit of
roorback (or roorbach) eponym: a defamatory lie, put out
to smear a politician
root Australian slang: synonymous
with the word f*ck
roque a variation of croquet played
with short-handled mallets on a hard court that is bounded by a concrete wall
against which a ball may rebound and be retrieved
roquelaure eponym: a knee-length cloak with bright silk lining and fur
trim, worn by 18c European men
roquet croquet: the act of hitting another
player's ball with one's own
Roscian eponym: an
eminent actor (or actress); also adj.
roseate overly optimistic; "viewing
the world through rose-colored glasses"
Rosetta Stone toponym: a key to some previously
unattainable understanding
Rosie the Riveter eponym:
Rosinante eponym: an old, decrepit horse
rouched see ruched
round-heels 1. of a
woman: of easy virtue 2. of a pugilist (that is, a boxer): having a glass jaw
rubberado a mythical creature, with
rubbery flesh, which travels by bouncing from one spot to the next, laughing
each time it lands. Its flesh is difficult to eat, as the teeth cannot get a
grip, and if you do eat it you can expect to bounce and laugh for the next
several days. <wink>
rube goldberg eponym: doing by complicated means what could be
done simply
rubenesque eponym: plump or fleshy and voluptuous (said of a woman)
rubicon a line which, one that when
crossed, marks an irrevocable commitment person to a dangerous enterprise
rubric 1. a part of a book, such
as a title, heading, or initial letter, set in decorative red lettering or
otherwise distinguished from the rest of the text. Presumably this is the
source for: 2a. a title; a name; b. a class or category
rubricate to mark in red. (also,
religion: to place in the calendar as a red-letter saint)
ruched or rouched
womens clothing: having prominent pleating, as a decorative feature
neat and tidy (contrast
the familiar word unruly)
rumbustious uncontrollably
exuberant; unruly
rumen one of four parts of a cow's stomach; see abomasum
ruminate 1. to think deeply about something 2. to chew
the cud
runagate a runaway, outcast or fugitive
runnel rivulet or brook; or a narrow
channel or course, as for water. runnels the
grooves on a carving board, which channel the juices of the meat