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Mondegreens revisited

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January 19, 2005, 12:52
Mondegreens revisited
I read about these in the Chicago Tribune this morning and laughed a lot!

Clarence Page reminisced about the early days of "Saturday Night Live" when they had Gilda Radner as the grumpy old editorial-reply lady, Ms. Litella. She would launch into tirades over some outrage, which she had not heard right, like:
"canker research"
"violins on television"
"presidential erections"
"saving Soviet Jewelry"
"endangered feces"
"ending the deaf penalty"
"busting schoolchildren"
"passing the eagles rights amendment"
"granting steakhood for Puerto Rico"

Once her error was revealed, she would calm down, say "Oh-h-h, that's very different" and announce to the camera with a big smile, "Never mind!"

I know that we've talked about these before, but let's come up with some more!
January 20, 2005, 04:56
We used to do an annual spoof of that very skit at our retreats for church every year. Being drafted to be Emily Litella was a great joy! Let's see, I went on tirades about:

"kneeling before the great white throne" (the year the bathrooms were being remodelled)
"the four whore-men of the appocalypse"
"tabula rasta"

Gilda Radner had an amazing comedic talent. I still miss her.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
~Dalai Lama
January 20, 2005, 22:57
Richard English
Quote "...the four whore-men of the appocalypse..."

I thought it was "The four hoarse men of the eucalyptus"

Richard English
January 21, 2005, 01:30
That is fabulous! I'll use that one next, Richard! Thanks!

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
~Dalai Lama
January 29, 2005, 19:01
I miss Gilda, too, CW.

In the old "I Love Lucy" reruns (and I love them!), Ricky is always saying something funny. I loved his "Take a tizzy" for "Take it easy." Big Grin