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May 06, 2009, 15:08
A poem...
...about the Kumusan Memorial Palace, the mausoleum of Kim Il Sung, that I just posted on my blog.

A nod to the new God

The room is high, and long, and cold,
And there, in the centre, the coffin holds
The body of the country's God.
Silently across the floor
They approach him, four by four
To circle, genuflect and nod.
For all who see him there must bow
At feet, at sides, at waxen brow;
An act of worship, seeking grace.
They do not see that this is creed,
If not in name, then sure in deed,
To look upon the saviour's face.
So what is it, if not true faith
To sanctify the leader's wraith
With trappings of a holy writ?
Raise marble temples in his name,
Accord him immortal, true, acclaim
And to his memory submit?

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
May 06, 2009, 15:56
Good, Bob. It evokes some feelings. It reminds me that I should write about the waxy figure in Lenin's tomb. It was the longest line I've ever stood in, including the one for the first (erm, fourth) Star Wars flick. (Perhaps a poem.)

Ceci n'est pas un seing.
May 14, 2009, 20:14
Very nice, Bob.

I wonder what the longest line I've ever been in was. Perhaps standing in line for ET, but I am not sure. I remember it went around the building.