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Inkhorn words

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January 05, 2005, 11:44
Inkhorn words
I thought you might enjoy this nice discussion of "inkhorn" words from Quinion's site that my logophile friend sent to me. Note that "epicaricacy" isn't mentioned.

I think it is interesting to speculate why some of the words survived, while others didn't. Some of the ones that were adnichilated were really quite illecebrous. Wink
January 06, 2005, 17:46
This is, indeed, a very interesting essay. Thanks for the link, Kalleh!

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
~Dalai Lama
January 06, 2005, 20:21
Any inkpots or inkhorns still around? They would be interesting to see...I was always fascinated watching my grandfather refill his ink pen from a bottle... Bics had come on the scene, and he steadfastly refused them!

The inkhorn words? Fascinating, but not anywhere on my horizon. Thanks, Kalleh.... Smile