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"I screwed up"

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February 18, 2009, 19:46
"I screwed up"
Recently our new president told Americans that he "screwed up." I thought it refreshing as we don't always hear that from politicians. Yet, I read this from a reader in the Tribune: "Obama is an Ivy League graduate and a successful author. Why is he degrading America?"

Is "screwing up" a degrading phrase? I agree it's not as sophisticated as it might be, but I don't find it degrading. Is is considered degrading because of the other definition of "screw?"
February 18, 2009, 20:49
<Asa Lovejoy>
"Screw" still implies sexual intercourse, but has been so overused as to have become innocuous. Let the blue-noses rant - it was fine by me.
February 18, 2009, 22:40
Here's what that I think Kalleh is referring to:

Obama's words

President Obama has said, "I screwed up." If George W. Bush had used the phrase "screwed up," the media would have erupted all over the world and accused him of degrading the English language.

Obama is an Ivy League graduate and a successful author. Why is he degrading America?

Sally Becker, Chicago

Here's the interview in which he used that vile phrase.

Notice how she jumps from degrading the English language to degrading America?

When people doesn't like a particular person, they will often jump on any little perceived mistake as if it were a cardinal sin. Their reactions are often just silly and petty, and I think this fits into that category. There are people who don't like Obama and are going to criticize every thing he does or doesn't do, no matter how small and inconsequential it may be.

The same thing happened with Baby Bush - oops! I mean George W. Bush. He was funny and entertaining because of his masterful command of the English language. Some of his pronunciations, such as nookyaler for nuclear were grating to the ear (at least to mine), and some people acted as if they were criminal violations.
But often they were common pronunciations. (M-W Online includes that pronunciation; they explain it here.)

McCain also said "I screwed up," and I don't remember anyone accusing him of degrading America. video here.

Actually, I think the "degrading America" comment was just hyperbole. I think she really was just trying to defend Bush.

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