October 29, 2005, 21:31
neveuhomonymic sentence
Someone once sent me an example of two different sentences that were loosely homonymic. I can only remember the ends of the sentences: "ruminate meat" and "room and ate meat". Has anyone else seen anything like this?
October 30, 2005, 13:17
haberdasherIs it the joke about the man who gave his cattle ranch to his boys, provided only that they named it "Focus", because that's where the sons raise meat?
(it works better spoken than written, for obvious reasons)
October 30, 2005, 20:08
SeanahanThe one typically used in the speech recognition(that is, give a computer audio and getting back text):
How to recognize speech
How to wreck a nice beach
I haven't heard the one with ruminate meat.
October 30, 2005, 20:52
KallehWell, I have learned that it doesn't pay to cheat. I hadn't known any homonymic sentences, so I sneaked around Google. Under "homonymic sentence,"
here is what I came up with! My brain is hurting...!