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6 letters to fun....thread 4
August 24, 2003, 00:02
jerry thomas6 letters to fun....thread 4
Aurora Borealis show's enlightening Norsemen tonight
LITEUPAugust 24, 2003, 07:55
haberdasherLittle Indian toured everywhere upon pony
DIPPERAugust 24, 2003, 08:43
jerry thomasDown in
Patagonia paleontologists excavate relics
FOSSILAugust 24, 2003, 10:11
<Asa Lovejoy>FOSSIL
There's a town by that name here in Oregon.
Fossil, Oregon, sits squarely in lava.
(Well, actually, the lava is south and west, but close!)
GEODESAugust 24, 2003, 11:12
KallehGeographer elucidates Oregon, decidely erring slightly.
TEXANSAugust 24, 2003, 12:05
jerry thomasThose erudite,
xerophilous agriculturalists never sleep.
ALAMODAugust 25, 2003, 09:24
<wordnerd>Anyone like a
moiety of desert?
SWEETSAugust 25, 2003, 10:00
jerry thomasSuch wit evokes equipoise this summer
[[ Is a moiety of desert to be taken with a grain of sand ?? ]]
DESERTAugust 25, 2003, 10:45
DESERTDid everyone sample Eve's raspberry tarts?
(As mentioned in
Kalleh's post here.

FILLNGAugust 25, 2003, 14:57
haberdasherFrabjous! I love learning new games!
CALLAYAugust 25, 2003, 21:50
jerry thomasCould a little lizard attack you?
IGUANA[This message was edited by jerry thomas on Tue Aug 26th, 2003 at 0:22.]
August 25, 2003, 22:05
<Asa Lovejoy>IGUANA
I generally undestand Anna's Nipponese aunt.
NIPPONAugust 26, 2003, 00:43
jerry thomasNobody in Portland purposely orders nachos
JABBERAugust 26, 2003, 02:12
arnieJapanese and Burmese boatmen eat rhubarb
CALLAYAugust 26, 2003, 04:30
haberdasher CALLAY¡Carramba! A little loop (above, yesterday)
CALLOOAugust 26, 2003, 07:17
Hic et ubique cross-threading from Lint
CALLOOCadged a little lint, obtained
VORPALAugust 26, 2003, 09:15
jerry thomasVirgil's omphaloskepsic research provided additional lint.
SNIKSKAugust 26, 2003, 18:16
haberdasherSmother navels in kapok? Stultifying knowledge...
BOOJUMAugust 27, 2003, 05:15
jerry thomasBeing out of jam, use marmalade.
BRILIGAugust 27, 2003, 08:04
haberdasherboiled red indonesian llobster is great!
August 27, 2003, 09:54
jerry thomasHerb use might proliferate this year
SITTERAugust 28, 2003, 02:47
arnieSurely intensive teacake testing ends ridiculously.
GIMBLEAugust 28, 2003, 05:26
haberdasherGorblimey! I must boogie like elephant!
GYRATEAugust 28, 2003, 06:00
jerry thomasGoofy young rascals are too energetic
SLITHYAugust 28, 2003, 15:23
<Asa Lovejoy>SLITHY
Scrumbunctious litherwalls idulated thran hivvrous yowls.
Oh, we're not making up our own jaberwocky - sorry!
Sarah lithely inches towards Harold's yo-yo.
TOVESSAugust 28, 2003, 15:34
jerry thomasThe older vipers encourage sexy slithering
GALMPHAugust 28, 2003, 17:14
KallehGals are loveable; men prefer hamburgers.
August 28, 2003, 18:25
jerry thomasWill these initials tell everybody something ?
CHORTLAugust 28, 2003, 22:12
Hic et ubiqueooooooohhhhhh this is good

Condimented hamburgers: onion, relish, tomatoes, lettuce.
(Well, as Kalleh says, "Men prefer hamburgers.")
"And as in
UFFISH thought he stood ..."
August 29, 2003, 00:46
jerry thomasUnusually fine fish is served here

August 29, 2003, 06:20
arnieBream, eels and mackerel seldom hobnob
FRABJSAugust 29, 2003, 08:10
<Asa Lovejoy>FRABJS
Feeling Rachel's animosity, Barney's juices solidified.
JUBJUBPS: How many of you have seen the Monty Python version of Jabberwocky? HIIIIIIIlarious!
August 29, 2003, 08:56
jerry thomasJumping up behind John, Ursula began. . . . .
SNATCHAugust 29, 2003, 09:19
Hic et ubiquequote:
Originally posted by jerry thomas: Jumping up behind John, Ursula began. . . . .
I trust you're not referring to the
slang definition. For I note:
front him
BURBLEAugust 29, 2003, 09:33
jerry thomasBeing unscrupulous, Ruby burbled loquacious epithets
GIMBLEAugust 29, 2003, 12:12
haberdasherGorblimey! I may be looping eternally!
Godel, Escher, Bach presents Jabberwocky in French and German. That one can translate nonsense into a foreign language amazes me, but it's been done successfully!)
August 29, 2003, 20:41
jerry thomas Greedy empire builders "elected" George Bush
CLAWEDAugust 29, 2003, 21:30
<Asa Lovejoy>CLAWED
Claude's lewd act Wednesday ended disastrously.
TUGLEYAugust 29, 2003, 21:32
<Asa Lovejoy>Godel, Escher, Bach presents Jabberwocky in French and German
I thought German WAS jabberwocky - until I saw Welsh!

August 30, 2003, 09:37
Hic et ubiqueAsa, did you mean
Lysdexically yours,
August 30, 2003, 09:44
<Asa Lovejoy>Asa, did you mean TUGLEY or TULGEY?
Yes. I get my wabberjocky confused at times.
August 30, 2003, 09:53
jerry thomasThe unicorn grows lovelier every year
[[ TULGEY = Tanzanya's undulating landscape's gently eroding yearly ]]
[[ The dislexic's last thought before sleep ==>
"Is there really a Dog? ]]
August 30, 2003, 15:40
haberdasherMisaligned internal monitor shows everything yellow!
BROGVSAugust 30, 2003, 16:01
jerry thomasBrillig raths outgrabe gimbling vorpal swords.
MANXOMAugust 31, 2003, 13:32
haberdasherMad aliens nudge xenophobic old men
CAROOM (a plugged nickel to anyone who can identify the story from which that comes. I can't any more!)
September 01, 2003, 19:16
KallehCan a ragbad ogle old men?
[Sorry, I don't know the answer, Hab.]
SLUGGOSeptember 01, 2003, 19:52
jerry thomasSome London Undergrounders greet Greenwich often
FRIENDSeptember 01, 2003, 22:14
<Asa Lovejoy>FRIEND
Fried rice is Eddie's normal dish.
ENEMASSeptember 01, 2003, 22:24
jerry thomasEddie's nephews eat matzo and salami
PSYCHOSeptember 02, 2003, 07:50
<Asa Lovejoy>PSYCHO
Psychedelic, sycophantic, yodeling chaps honored Ophelia.