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July 03, 2003, 18:50
License to play
Saw this today in the local Wal-mart lot:


Sorry, Charlie, that is just too much information!
July 07, 2003, 17:23
C J Strolin
Originally posted by Ros:
I used to live just up the road from the owner of PEN 15

Could never figure out why anyone would WANT such a plate!


Possibly he/she was the 15th person with the initials "P.E.N." to request that plate?

Along similar lines, I once was at a demonstration at a clinic which, among other things, provided abortion assistance (And, I hasten to add, I was part of the very strong Pro-Choice contingent) where I spotted a car, apparently owned by one of the Pro-Life protesters, with the license plate "GOD IS 36." Having always considered God to be a rather timeless diety, this was news to me.

After puzzling this one over some time and asking some like-minded friends and acquaintances about it, no one could come up with a plausible explanation. It bugged me so much that I went over to the other side to converse with the anti-clinc protesters (something the leaders on both sides specifically discourage) for insight but, once again, gained none.

Some time later the answer occurred to me when I learned that "God is" is a Christian buzzword or catchphrase. This person apparently just happened to be the 36th individual to want it on a license plate. Mystery solved!
July 08, 2003, 02:07
Originally posted by C J Strolin:
Possibly he/she was the 15th person with the initials "P.E.N." to request that plate?

Possibly, possibly... Wink The fact that it was all run together and actually strongly resembled PENIS gives an alternate explanation! As a giggly teenager at the time, naturally I went with the latter...