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¿speakas du Europanto?

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November 03, 2007, 03:18
¿speakas du Europanto?
The things you learn via the Web. There I was perusing the Ripuarian version of Wikipedia when I came across a user who alleged to be a speaker (albeit beginning) of Europanto (also here and here. Never heard of it, and I consider myself a connoisseur of conlangs (i.e., constructed languages). It was a mock auxiliary language created by an EU translator, Diego Marani (of Italy). It's heyday was 1996–2005, and Mr Marani even wrote a novel, Las Adventures Des Inspector Cabillot (1999), in it.

Ceci n'est pas un seing.
November 03, 2007, 16:35
<Asa Lovejoy>
¿speakas du Europanto?

Hmmmm.... I'm guessing that means, "Do you speak with your pants?" Confused
November 03, 2007, 20:11
The single outstanding feature of Europanto is that there are no fixed rules -- merely a set of suggestions.
Wow, that would drive Strunk and White and Lynne Truss nuts! It's an interesting concept. I loved some of the samples!