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December 26, 2008, 15:11
WARNING: contains material about art.
I just have to share this, but please no debate - just watch and smile.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
December 26, 2008, 21:31
I watched and smiled. Wink
December 28, 2008, 03:58
Richard English
I have to say that I find pointless discussion about pointless things boring, whether perpetrated by humam beings or plastacine animates.

I found nothing at all to smile at, I fear.

Richard English
January 04, 2009, 04:48
I think the vid is delightful. It captures a lot of views of our tired old subject . . . but the animation and voices are fantastic, too. They do such a good job for that show.

It's a pity you can't smile at this, RE, but hey, to each his own.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
~Dalai Lama
January 04, 2009, 09:35
Richard English
The animation is fine as are the charaterisations. But the subject is no more interesting simply because it is being discussed by plastacine animates. Had that been a recording of a selection of pub conversations, would it have been funny or clever?

Richard English
January 04, 2009, 10:55
Richard, this is personal request. I found the video amusing. You do not. Others do. It would be a funny old world etc

Please don't comment further. While I like to draw attention to things I like, I have no wish whatsoever to create further divisive debate and I do not wish to have to have the thread locked.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
January 04, 2009, 14:43
Well put, Bob.

Had that been a recording of a selection of pub conversations, would it have been funny or clever?

FWIW, I think it could have been funny, edited and put together well like this one. Think about some of the old Monty Python skits - some of them very much like pub conversations, but still quite funny to many people (including me). It does, however, make it funnier that it's animals talking (the dogs playing poker, the pigeons on the statue, etc)

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
~Dalai Lama
January 04, 2009, 15:00
jerry thomas
Let's call the whole thing off !!
January 04, 2009, 15:03
Richard English
I am not trying to be divisive neither am I trying to talk about art. I have already said I will not debate the topic of art since it seems to raise all kinds of passions. Can I please repat, this comment is NOT ABOUT ART.

I am simply saying that I did not find the video amusing since I did not find the topic debated amusing or the comments made clever. I do not believe that it makes it any more, or any less, amusing or interesting to have it supposedly debated by animates. Others have a different view, of course.

CW, I accept your point about the Monty Python scripts and others such as the Pete and Dud conversations. I just don't think that this video is on the same level.

Richard English