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April 15, 2006, 08:12
Sometimes I wonder about Google

201 hits for "carriwitchet"

367 for carriwitchet -uk -au -nz -nu -aussie -brit -british -cockney

Why? Shouldn't I get more hits on the former
April 16, 2006, 09:00
When you actually look at the results for "carriwitchet"(go to the last page, 13), Google says "Results 111 - 112 of about 197). This is due to some filtering that google does, mostly for duplicate pages.

When you look at the results for "carriwitchet -uk -au -nz -nu -aussie -brit -british -cockney", the last results page, page 8, says
"Results 71 - 79 of about 213".

This means that there are really 112 results for the first query, and 79 results for the second query. This makes much more sense. You must know that the "number of results" google displays initially isn't entirely accurate.
April 16, 2006, 09:12
Sean--of course; I knew that!

Excuse:Onset of Alzheimer's