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Common Shakespearean Quotes

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February 02, 2004, 12:14
Common Shakespearean Quotes
I received a lovely gift from a friend with all sorts of quotes by Shakespeare (collected by Bernard Levin). Often you may be quoting Shakespeare when you don't even realize it! Here are a few, though his list was huge!

"Laugh yourself into stitches"
"Good riddance"
"Laughing stock"
"fell swoop"
"tower of strength"
"in a pickle"
"it is high time"
"something has vanished into thin air"

etc., etc., etc. I assume these are accurate! Are there any that you know of? Interestingly, we had a thread on "hoodwinked", and Shakespeare wasn't mentioned.
February 03, 2004, 09:09
Here are a few more:

"dead as a door-nail"
"short shrift"
"devil incarnate"
"refusing to budge an inch"
"playing fast and loose," though always....
"insisting on fair play"
"what the dickens!"
"send me packing"