November 05, 2004, 18:33
CaterwaullerMistake in the new Oxford?
From MSN:
A Big Boo-Boo in the Oxford Dictionary!
The venerable Oxford Dictionary of Computing has made a big mistake. Either that or it's revealed a little known fact about Apple's Macintosh computers, reports Macworld Daily News. Look up Apple in the newest edition of the ODC and you'll find out that Apple computers can run Microsoft Windows. They CAN?
Macworld admits that an Apple can emulate Windows (with some help from Microsoft's Virtual PC), but even the Apple developers themselves must be surprised to learn that a Mac can run Windows. "The flaw is all the more concerning since the dictionary is compiled by a team of, so called, computer specialists," rants Macworld.
The Oxford Dictionary of Computing bills itself as the most authoritative and up-to-date dictionary of computing that is available. One thing it does get right. It credits Apple for pioneering the desktop and windows metaphors for the user interface and describes Apple as "an early market leader in the field."
November 05, 2004, 19:47
KallehI remember when my law student daughter was starting high school. We bought her an Apple computer, and it was using a system similar to windows, and that system wasn't available on PCs. It's just too bad they didn't do a better job of monopolizing, like Microsoft did.
Good find, CW!