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December 05, 2008, 20:41
I am at a conference where there is a lot of talk about using avatars in teaching. I wasn't sure what they had meant by "avatar-guided learning experiences." Does anyone know? Would it just be a role playing experience?

In reading about the word avatar, I found that it comes from a Sanskrit word (avatara) meaning "incarnation." How perfect!
December 05, 2008, 21:11
useless info about avatar

I have no idea what an "avatar-guided learning experiences" would be.
December 06, 2008, 07:15
<Asa Lovejoy>
Do they possibly mean imprinting? That is, the phenomenon of babies, human or otherwise, attaching themselves to those who aren't their mothers just because they're what/whom they're exposed to?
December 06, 2008, 07:24
Why not ask someone to explain exactly what they mean? Acknowledging ignorance on a subject is the first step to learning, while pretending to understand only fosters error.
December 06, 2008, 08:14
Richard English
Why not ask someone to explain exactly what they mean? Acknowledging ignorance on a subject is the first step to learning, while pretending to understand only fosters error.

I agree. And it will teach the originators of this phrase a valuable lesson, which is:

It is the job of the originator of an item to make it readily understandable to its recipients; it should not be up to the recipients to slave over a composition to try to determine what is meant.

Richard English
December 06, 2008, 08:47
jerry thomas
Before Google was available, I used to seek information in my set of Encyclopedia, but now that Google can be reached by a click or two, my encyclopedias are gathering mildew.
December 06, 2008, 11:00
<Asa Lovejoy>
OK, I'm an ignoramus. Sooooorrrrry...
December 06, 2008, 13:21
Jerry, I did go to Google, and I always do before I post a question here. I was looking for some practical experience from some of our members.

Asa, you are not an ignoramus, and I found your comment helpful. Whenever I ask a question here, I mean it to go beyond Google. I need to make myself clear on that, I guess.

I believe what they meant was that you take a role (avatar) and then go through a virtual reality. I just wondered if anyone else has seen this. As for Proof's and Richard's comments, well, I had meant to attend one of the specific concurrent sessions on it, but because others were more relevant to my work, I didn't. I asked here because I thought someone might have used the concept or taught with it.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Kalleh,
December 06, 2008, 13:33
I know they use avatars in rolek playing games on the internet. How you'd use them in your context, I have no idea.

One thing to watch out for: One woman used an avatar to have an online affair in the game, got pregnant and the real-life woman had a six-pound hologram.
December 06, 2008, 16:40
jerry thomas
Jerry, I did go to Google, and I always do before I post a question here.

My mistake. It won't happen again.
December 06, 2008, 20:52
No problem, Jerry. I don't think I was clear in my original question.

I suspect they're just referring to symbols that indicate a role in a virtual reality situation. I just wondered if anyone was familiar with that.
December 07, 2008, 05:20
referring to symbols that indicate a role in a virtual reality situation. I just wondered if anyone was familiar with that.

My guess is that it would be a training system where you'd be able to set up your own character and experience things in a more realistic fashion. I've done this for online games, and for SIMS games, and for the Wii (they camm them mii's). You set up what your cartoon character (Avatar) looks like, and you can walk through a virtual world, interacting with other virtual people (some guided live-time by other people, some are sort of stock characters run by the computer.

There is an online world called Second Life that allows this sort of play, if you're interested and want to see what it's like. There is a virtual library on Second Life, and they even had a meeting of ALA (American Library Association) in Second Life this year, although I didn't attend.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.
~Dalai Lama