May 19, 2017, 19:04
Kallehpneumonia front
Had you ever heard of a "pneumonia front" before? Yesterday, Shu and I went out for dinner at a restaurant that has a lovely outside patio - it was in the high 70s when we started out. As we were driving, our car's outside thermometer started to decrease to 72, then 70, then 68, etc., until it was about 58 by the time we got there (only about 5 miles away). The newspapers called this a
pneumonia front. It is certainly a descriptive name, but I hadn't heard it before. It apparently describes a one-hour temperature drop of 16 degrees F, or greater.
It's new to me, but I like it, although probably inaccurate pathologically. Since the Greek root
pneuma means wind or breath, a frontal passage is "pneumatic."
May 20, 2017, 12:10
<Proofreader>probably means the sudden change that seems to bring on illness. Yesterday was 9 but today only 68, and the temp dropped 30 degrees in minutes.
9? On the Fahrenheit, centigrade, Kelvin, Terman, Wechler, Fujita or Richter scale?

May 20, 2017, 15:52
Originally posted by Proofreader:
probably means the sudden change that seems to bring on illness. Yesterday was 9 but today only 68, and the temp dropped 30 degrees in minutes.
Yo, same here, & I'm lovin' it. We only had 3 days @ 90-95deg, but those were teachin' & singin'-concert days for me: flop-sweat! Delighted to wake up on a Sat w/nothin much to do @ 60deg F. My only regret is that perfumey spring tree/shrub-blooms succumbed (altho truth be told, they are the source of my spring-wheeze, which is now disappearing). But now we've got lovely late-spring delicate white lilacs in bloom-- 2 wks ahead of sched, so hoping the cool weather holds for a bit...
May 23, 2017, 20:40
KallehYes, I think Proof is correct about where it comes from. We've had the same major weather changes here in Chicago.