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Makin' of bacn

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August 29, 2007, 20:51
Makin' of bacn
Last Saturday a new word was invented. It's not doing badly! What do you call everyday email that is a step above spam? This could be Wordcrafter's word of the day or other sorts of alerts. They aren't spam, but you might not want to get to them right now. It was coined at the PodCast Pittsburgh 2 conference when attendees were talking about being overwhelmed with email, such as with Facebook alerts or other such things. Somebody hollered out, "bacon!" as a spoof on "spam." In spelling it they left out the "o" as an "in-jest tribute."

Have you heard of it?
August 30, 2007, 05:23
Now that'san important distinction! I read that the purported word-coiners were discussing Canadian bacon over breakfast, & someone mentioned that it's also called "peameal bacon"-- sounds like... a new 'word' was born.

I'm thinking, as one who prizes real words (you know, the ones with no letters left out?), we wordcrafters should establish some categories of our own...
August 30, 2007, 06:24
Richard English
Catapostrophe (the egregious misuse of the apostrophe) is my bid for lexicographical skill.

Richard English
August 30, 2007, 08:07
the egregious misuse of the apostrophe

Yes, the apostrophe in makin is incorrect because no g was dropped, only a velar nasal; became an alveolar one. Cf. this Language Log entry. Oh, I'm sorry. You, no doubt, meant the droppin of the apostrophe in bacn. That does not obtain. It's a willful misspelling for trademarking purposes.

Ceci n'est pas un seing.
August 30, 2007, 09:48
Richard English
You, no doubt, meant the droppin of the apostrophe in bacn.

No. I meant the egregious misuse of the apostrophe in any context. I was responding to the suggestion that we should submit our own words.

Richard English
August 30, 2007, 19:23
[QUOTE]Originally posted by zmježd:
the droppin of the apostrophe in bacn

Perhaps in another thread we should consider witty song lyrics satirizing such misuse-- I can almost tap my foot to this one! Wink

p.s. love catapostrophe, RE. How about commatose, lots of mindless errors made there.
August 30, 2007, 20:13
As you can see, I copied the Tribune on my title for his thread (will they sue me for copyright infringement or plagiarism or something?). Therefore, any catapostrophe I will blame on them!