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another for 'in the negative'

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July 07, 2008, 09:30
another for 'in the negative'
There's no doubt a place where this should go instead, but I couldn't find it (I'm terrible with forums).

List. Anyone ever have a day where you woke up list and stayed list all day? Or is it listFUL? After all, one can be listLESS like that, so where's the complementary term?
July 07, 2008, 12:25
The complementary term was Middle English list "desire", cognate with lust.
July 07, 2008, 13:02
List vt. ME listen < OE lystan < base of lust, desire, appetite:
[Archaic] to be pleasing to; suit

Listless adj. LIST2 + LESS6
having no interest in what is going on about one, as a result of illness, weariness, dejection, etc.; spiritless; languid (Merriam Webster)

I assume you can wake up list but it must be aggravating having to please everyone all day. Better to be listless and hope for improvement.