Funny how we in the USA aren't generally aware of what a dangerous person Erdogan is. He's throwing out the Turkish Constitution and establishing an Islamic state. Bad news for Turkish liberalism, and our "liberal media" don't mention it!
This site says that media can be used as a collective noun, thus being singular. Other sites disagree, though, and say it should be used in the plural.
Interestingly, the site also talks about agenda and agendas, which I know Richard would have disagreed with. To him, it is agendae.
The alleged priest interviewed by Enright was described as a specialist in a field known as "media literacy." Yet--this was the tipoff--he abused the word "media" many times. He said "the media is" when he meant "the media are" and he said "the media tries" instead of "the media try." He didn't know the difference between the plural "media" and the singular "medium"--or didn't care to know. When I discovered that this person was passing himself off as a Jesuit, my suspicions of chicanery grew even stronger. After all, the Society of Jesus is famous for insisting that its recruits spend many, many years in study. Even today this must include at least a week of Latin, during which plural versions of Latin words in English would inevitably arise. But before I had a chance to call my local cathedral and report an impostor, I was informed by an employee of This Morning that the person's bona fides had been checked and he was, in fact, a Jesuit priest.
Which made it, of course, all the more scandalous. A teacher of the young had joined the struggle over "media"--on the side of evil.