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Picture of BobHale
Answers: A Surrealist’s Smorgasbord

I was playing with an online AI and I asked it to produce a list of absurd surrealist questions. I then wrote my poem answering those questions. The questions are not important. This poem is just the answers. Reading it back it seems to me that some of the lines could be open to a philosophical interpretation but I cannot claim with hand on heart that it was my intention. Still one of the points of surrealism is that it can expose unconscious thoughts and motivations so maybe it has. You can make up your own mind.

The sound of a grape is the colour of rhyme.
Birds learn to dance at the college of mime.
The moon turns to Gouda on Saturday night.
We erase our mistakes to prevent our delight.
A jet-propelled snail, like the rainbow, is quick.
The eggplant came first, pre-dating the chick.
Trees can’t play piano but blow on the flute.
A kangaroo will not stand to be stuffed full of fruit.
The shape of the music is drawn on the wall.
The ants march in unison in the infinite hall.
The stars write their secrets in an alien script.
Shakespeare’s lost limericks have the audience gripped.
A spider can’t knit though it’s quite a spinner.
Shadows devour the sunlight for their dinner.
Our tears travel time to fall on our youth.
There are myriad lies but just one kind of truth.
You can’t eat a car or drive a banana
And the last question questioned, “How is your 'mens sana'.”

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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