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Limerick Game: Key West Login/Join
Picture of bethree5
Well here's another two-parter with stress on second 'syllable' that is much easier to work than Seychelles!
Please PM me your limericks for KEY WEST

As always, no need to rhyme with both words, just the end-word. Unless you're a showoff Big Grin
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Thanks for reviving this game! I'll try to get one to you if I can round up enough grey matter!
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Any response yet from the Assembled Multitudes?
Posts: 6276 | Location: Worcester, MA, USReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
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Originally posted by haberdasher:
Any response yet from the Assembled Multitudes?

Well I sent mine but I'd have to say that this is a very novel use of "multitudes".

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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I've still not thought of anything clever. When I think of Florida I can only think of psychotic politicians. I'll keep trying.
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Picture of BobHale
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Originally posted by Geoff:
I've still not thought of anything clever. When I think of Florida I can only think of psychotic politicians. I'll keep trying.

This isn't one that I submitted. It aligns with your thinking but also aligns these days with British Politicians and a large section of the British electorate.

Said a voter who lived in Key West
"I don't know what to do for the best.
The decision is tough
No-one's right wing ENOUGH -
At least in the views they've expressed."

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
Posts: 9422 | Location: EnglandReply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by BobHale:
Originally posted by haberdasher:
Any response yet from the Assembled Multitudes?

Well I sent mine but I'd have to say that this is a very novel use of "multitudes".

You say I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes... And Bob Dylan said so, too.
Posts: 6276 | Location: Worcester, MA, USReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
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Originally posted by haberdasher:
Originally posted by BobHale:
Originally posted by haberdasher:
Any response yet from the Assembled Multitudes?

Well I sent mine but I'd have to say that this is a very novel use of "multitudes".

You say I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes... And Bob Dylan said so, too.

Hmm. An interesting philosophical conundrum. So if four of us send limericks that well be an assemblage of four separate multitudes into a... a... a... er... a megamultitude?

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
Posts: 9422 | Location: EnglandReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
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My little bonus limerick above sparked a thought that resulted in this. It's about British politics not American but you'll get the gist.

Said a voter, when put to the test
“I don’t know what to do for the best
The decision is tough
No-ones right wing enough
At least in the views they’ve expressed.”

They are cunning, and sneaky and stealthy
And they only look out for the wealthy
And they are heaven sent
For the top five percent
But I think fewer than that is more healthy.

Refugees? What to do? Well lets ponder
I know! Send them all to Rwanda
They’d win more monstrous votes
If they just sank all the boats
Let them drown, it’s a chance we can’t squander

People striking in organised groups?
Change the law till they’re jumping through hoops?
I say don’t change the law
They are scum, I abhor.
To deal with them send in the troops.

Some sportsman expressed his dissent?
Let’s harass him and make him relent!
We ought to be tougher
In making him suffer
Punish him to a greater extent.

The post as the BBC chief
Give to someone who won’t give us grief
No! Let’s anoint
Someone whose viewpoint
Aligns with our every belief.

We are losing our grip? That’s fake news.
Get the papers to print just our views.
In itself that’s just fine
But if they won’t toe the line
Shut them out. Shut them down. Turn the screws.

Black Lives Matter? They’re taking the knee?
We’ll condemn and cajole them you’ll see.
Condemn and cajole?
Bring them under control.
Lock them up and then throw out the key.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Drat! I intended to send one! Grumble, whinge, gripe, ....
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No histrionics needed; there’s still time to send them in !
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Originally posted by BobHale:
'...novel use of "multitudes".'

One plus one equals one.

Raising an interesting point. Is there a name for the kind of objects (collective nouns?) which, when you have several, you still have just one? Multitude, as here. Infinity. Flock. School (of fish). A set, mathematically speaking. A fortune.

I think the components have to be fungible; a herd of sheep and a herd of cattle is either one herd or two herds, depending.
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Picture of BobHale
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Originally posted by Geoff:
Drat! I intended to send one! Grumble, whinge, gripe, ....

Did you mistake my additional poem for the entries? I am probably the only entrant so far so I am sure you will have plenty of time to achieve literary greatness with Key West!

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
Posts: 9422 | Location: EnglandReply With QuoteReport This Post
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Oh... OK, I'll try to remember the one I had during a nightmare last night.

Edit: It's in your PM box, B35.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Geoff,
Posts: 6175 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
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I've actually thought up and scent another stinker! That's two! Woo hoo!!
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Picture of bethree5
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Sorry long time no post. The last month has been all about covid around here. First my husband caught it. Despite all efforts I got it within a week. I'm 2-1/2 wks in now-- almost back to normal but quite tired. Fortunately we were maximally vaxxed, both took paxlovid etc. Looks like you've all been actively limericking. I'll do my best to round them up & post over the weekend.
Posts: 2605 | Location: As they say at 101.5FM: Not New York... Not Philadelphia... PROUD TO BE NEW JERSEY!Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Good grief! Rotten luck! Glad y'all are on the mend. Thanks for letting us know.
Posts: 6175 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of BobHale
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No, It can't be covid, surely? The USA and the Uk and even China have all declared it over. Frown Seriously, sorry to hear it. Hope you recover fully and quickly.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Wasn't Covid one of the old Roman poets?
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