Here is a list of all of the subjects and places used to stock the Limerick Game since its inception. While I’m fairly certain about the accuracy of the number of limericks entered in each game, I cannot guarantee that the total of 1110 limericks is correct. It seemed that every time I got well into the count, my cat would jump on my lap and abort the operation. Also, in the case of Hongwon, I couldn’t find any submissions, so there is no figure after that one. The names run chronologically (latest first) across. A list took up two pages if I put them down serially. The final total does not include any limericks composed during conversations in the thread. I think adding them in would raise the total to well over 2000.
It seems that the harder the place name, the more entries. Apparently, we are gluttons for punishment. Peru was the winner with 25 but my favorites were Gibraltar and Tahiti. Jeb Raltar liked them, too, and if you don’t get the reference, I suggest you peruse those two threads.