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posted February 10, 2015 19:11

A limerick's easy to form:
This meter's the rhythmical norm
And the rhyme scheme should be
"A, A, B, B, A." See?
If it's not, then expect a small storm.

Actually, I though of sending it on to CJ but, focusing on the weak points, decided it wasn't worthy. Line 5 in particular lacks punch, unless you're part of a group that Workshops limericks. I haven't yet come up with a way to make it stand on its own.

And in Line 2 - should it be "This Meter's the rhythmical norm..." or perhaps the other way 'round - "This rhythm's the metrical norm..." ?

Any thoughts, anyone?
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Picture of Greg S
posted February 11, 2015 04:52Hide Post
Hi Hab, it may be just me but I actually pronounce limerick as if it only has 2 syllables, as in lim-rick, in which case I'd be adding a word to Line 1:

A limerick's quite easy to form:

For the record regarding Line 2, I think either way is fine but the alliterative nature of THis, THe and rhyTHmical seems to work better the original way you put it.

And because it reminds me of this:

1 1 was a racehorse
2 2 was 1 2
1 1 1 1 race
2 2 1 1 2.

I would write line 4 as:

"A, A, B, B, A." C?

But I guess it wouldn't work for most people. It also reminds me of the Two Ronnies skit where they are in a restaurant, Barker (B) is the customer and Corbett (C) is the waiter, and their conversation goes something likes this:

C: L O.
B: L O. F U N E M?
C: S V F M.
B: F U N E X?
C: S V F X.
B: I F M N X.

... etc

Regards Greg
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