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Limerick Poll: DC Login/Join
Picture of Kalleh
Shu finally got his in. Here is the pretty good, I must say, selection. Make your choices, and if you have trouble knowing which limerick goes with which number, simply count down. That's what I do.

1. He’d rather not be in D.C.
His wife says that neither would she.
South to Mar-a –lago,
Where there ‘s no fricking snow,
Just golfing and lounging for free.

2. Future post-doctoral theses
Will excoriate Washington D.C.’s
Hyper-partisan foes,
Because — God only knows —
Their performance is ordure and feces.

3. The women’s march in D.C.
Was something for Trump to see
Illusions of grandeur
He said with such candor
“Pussies all waiting for me”!

4. The catastrophe there in DC
Is making us laugh and "tee hee!"
There's sex and there's lying,
And crassness and vying
For all of those jobs that are free!

5. A lobbyist lady named Dee
Worked her womanly wiles in DC
She would hike up her dress
Give a pol a caress
Vote her way and you'll get in Dee, see?

6. The president, back in DC,
Said, "I'm caught by the Red's KGB.
I am screwed (You're darn tootin')
And beholden to Putin
'Cause my bed's drenched in some hooker's pee.

7. There's a guy on the Hill in DC
Says it's really the place he should be
But others suggest
That New York would be best
Riker's Island - and never set free.

8. A tourist who walked round DC
And accidentally swallowed a bee
Found the sting to his gum
Made his whole mouth go numb,
His arse ditto as it flew free.

9. I'm one of your reps in DC--
Do watch us on CSPAN TV.
Our honey-toned speeches
Disguise that we're leeches.
Deep pockets of cash? See me!

10. The swamp in DC needed cleaning
And the voters - I'm sure they're well-meaning
But the "Salt of the Earth"
Wasn't thought to give birth
To so much unexpected right-leaning.

11. What happens at present in DC
By leaders who strike me as greasy
Indeed it is making
Knees quaking and shaking.
I'm turning my stocks in for specie.

12. In DC the pendulum swings
(As it does in most places and things)
And yet we can hope
That we're able to cope
And contain the disruption it brings.
[not "destruction", though there is that possibility too :-(]


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So that’s four I-don’t-like-Trump, four I-don’t-like-Congress, three I-don’t-like-the-whole-situation, and one I-don’t-like-beestings-wherever-they-are. Not a particularly diverse group, are we.

Why do I have the feeling that Shu’s contribution was #4 ?

(Addendum: and/or maybe #2)

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Picture of BobHale
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Inevitable, you have to agree
When the topic on offer's DC
That everyone's meanings
Have political leanings
(Except for the one with a bee)

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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If you’re a poll-watcher - the number goes with the votes ABOVE it, in spite of the line below being a little bit closer.
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Originally posted by BobHale:
(Except for the one with a bee)

“...The reverie alone will do
If bees are few.”
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I tossed a coin. So many good 'uns! Couldn't say that one ummmm... "trumped" another.
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Picture of Kalleh
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This is an interesting poll. We need more votes!
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Picture of Kalleh
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A few more votes would be good. Greg, I didn't get a limerick from you, but how about a vote? He is going to be in Japan visiting his son and wasn't sure what the computer situation would be.

Others? Please vote, even if you didn't submit one. I'll give this a few more days as I am in Nashville at a conference. I'll give it until Saturday, when I am back. Get all your friends and neighbors and co-workers, etc., to vote! Smile
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Originally posted by Kalleh:
A few more votes would be good. Greg, I didn't get a limerick from you, but how about a vote? He is going to be in Japan visiting his son and wasn't sure what the computer situation would be.

Others? Please vote, even if you didn't submit one. I'll give this a few more days as I am in Nashville at a conference. I'll give it until Saturday, when I am back. Get all your friends and neighbors and co-workers, etc., to vote! Smile

By the way, Kalleh, I am trying to get a few people to join. How would you describe this place to prospective members?
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If Greg does vote he'll likely vote for the one with two votes or tie it by voting for one with one vote, so why not go ahead and declare a winner now?
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Picture of Kalleh
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Sattva, I'd just describe it as a place where we discuss words and language, though from time to time you'll find us going off-topic (for those who are anal and demand every thread stay on topic). We also have fun with puns, poems, limericks and other word games.

Or some such.
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Picture of Kalleh
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And - the Academy Award goes to the very talented, as well as lovable, Shufitz! His #2 winning limerick is:

2. Future post-doctoral theses
Will excoriate Washington D.C.’s
Hyper-partisan foes,
Because — God only knows —
Their performance is ordure and feces.

I remember his concentration when he was writing it. I'd try to say something, and he'd say, "Honey, I am thinking about the limerick!"

BTW, #5 got a vote that isn't listed. Someone was not able to get her vote to take.

Here are the other authors:

1 - Sattva
3 - Sattva
4 - Kalleh
5 - Geoff
6 - Proof
7 - Bob
8 - Bob
9 - Bethree
10 - Hab
11 - Hab
12 - Hab

I'll post Shu's next word - as soon as he decides. And, he is a bit of a perfectionist so it could be a day or two, but I'll jiggle his elbow about it.

A question came up in my submissions. Is it ABSOLUTELY necessary to have the venue rhyme in AB or D? As you noted, in these submissions and the last ones, the venue has been internal to the limerick. What do you think? On another site they always used to say, "We have no stinkin' rules!" Do we? Or - would you just not vote for it if you don't like it? In the last game, I voted for one like that. But, I suppose, it does change things a bit.
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While we seem to enter the place-name in L1/2 or 5, I can see using L3/4 if it's particularly difficult to find a suitable rhyme.
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To answer my own question -

Way back on 11/17/2007 the following post was quoted:
How would you all feel about this for a game?

One person posts the name of a place - could be a country or a town or a village or whatever.
If it's somewhere not generally known the person posting also provides a pronunciation guide.
Everybody else provides a limerick by PM to the originator, the only rules being
1. It must be of the classical "person from place" form
2. The place name must be in the A-rhyme position.

When the originator has enough he publishes them and chooses his or her favourite to provide the next place name.

Res ipse loquitur.
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Originally posted by Kalleh:
And - the Academy Award goes to the very talented, as well as lovable, Shufitz! His #2 winning limerick is:...

BTW, #5 got a vote that isn't listed. Someone was not able to get her vote to take.

In that case, #5 tied with #2. Hanging chads redux! Wink
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Picture of Kalleh
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Oh, you are right! Go ahead and take it, Geoff. I can’t make the fateful decision because, clearly, I have a conflict of interest!
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Nah, Shu goes this time. I'll go next, OK?
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Not necessarily this time, but we could do run-offs if there is a tie. I think I am too invested in politics right now and following the primaries. LOL
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Picture of Kalleh
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Okay, Geoff. You are next up, though, no matter who wins.

I'll post Shu's this weekend because his selection is all complicated. It involves a link and some lyrics from Gilbert and Sullivan as well as a couple he piloted. Now me? When I come up with a place, I just do it. None of this intellectualism!
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