Oregon has several odd place names: Drain, Riddle, Wankers Corner () and Zig Zag to name a few, but the best known is probably Boring.
Before real estate developers destroyed Oregon, I would join the Portland Wheelmen Touring Club and bicycle from Portland to Boring on Saturday mornings. As we approached, we were greeted by a sign for the Boring Gospel Hall. Seemed appropriate, in my opinion. We would stop at the Boring Dairy Queen, which oddly chose to place its bicycle parking adjacent to the disabled car parking spot. Disabled bicycle parking??? Then there were the fire trucks with "BFD" in their sides.
Let's see what lunacy we can create with Boring Limericks.
Thanks for taking over for me, Geoff! I really couldn't even begin to think of anything at the moment. Boring is an interesting place name or is that a boring place name? Anyway, I am not sure if I will participate in this one. I have been thinking of taking a little time offline to recoup. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. However, if something comes to mind, I will enter. Thanks again!!!