Are you people familiar with this old parlor game? One person picks an obscure word from an English language dictionary, states the word to the other players, who write either the correct definition, if they know it, or a fanciful one if they don't, and give it to the one who presented the word. The presenter then reads the various definitions to all players, but without revealing who has the correct definition. (The presenter always presents the correct one if nobody else has.) The presenter then makes public all definitions, but without revealing who submitted which definition. The players then state which definition they believe to be correct. Points are given for picking the correct definition, as well as for fooling others with a fanciful one.
Since Kalleh has figured out how the private message function works (go to "my pop") we can now play this, if you're interested. Let me know if you are, and I'll get it started. Oh, in honor of the software's name, I suggest we call our game
Edit by wordcrafters: love it!
We hereby coin the term
Popmeister to refer to the "person-in-charge-of-Poppycock" -- thus forestalling other coinages that could be a good deal more "blue".

[This message was edited by wordcrafter on Thu Aug 22nd, 2002 at 7:22.]