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Oxnard it is, then Login/Join
No problem with using OXNARD
Unless it is simply too hard
But if you eschew it
And say you can’t do it
You’re hoist by that famous petard!

This message has been edited. Last edited by: haberdasher,
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…many would dispute her examples, on both sides. There’s more than one “American English” and more than one “British English.”

I would propose we use a rather generous standard of acceptable pronunciations even if we ourselves might pronounce a given word differently.
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Have you any submissions? Admissions? Intromissions? Omissions? Intermissions?
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Picture of Kalleh
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So sorry - I haven't been around much. It's all good - graduations (3!), out of town, babysitting my little granddaughter because they lost their nanny, much going on at work, etc., etc. I'll get you a limerick and hope to be better here.
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I am sitting out this one.
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Only two so far. Maybe a limerick in boustrophedon would be appropriate?...

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Posts: 6277 | Location: Worcester, MA, USReply With QuoteReport This Post
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Then Oxnard would be Dranxo? Sounds like a headache remedy to me. But then when I see "Ex-LAX I think of departing Los Angeles International Airport. Roll Eyes

PS: Why am I now getting lines saying, "Ignored post?"
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Who Ignored which post? That's a distressing glitch.

I have three entries now. Surely there are a few more stalwart Limericists who can cope with this?
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Four now. Geoff, are you still being Ignored?
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Yes still being ignored, but there's always an announcement that you have ignored my post. I can then click on "ignored post" and see it. Weird! I suppose I can just assume it's good taste on your part. Big Grin
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Strange. My Ignore list is empty. Are you sure it's not you ignoring me instead? (and how does one upload an image? [not a URL]?)
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Picture of bethree5
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Originally posted by Proofreader:
How to say it.

I think you let it slip to the next video before you copied the url. Did you mean this one?
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Did you mean this one?

TY, B5. I should have checked the link but it seemed OK to me at the time.
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Quoitng A.A.Milne - Now We Are Six. Keep em coming, folks. :-)
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Picture of Kalleh
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Finally yours truly's is in.

I didn't even know there was an ignore list.
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Eight valiant entries so far. I'll post them over the weekend, which will give a few more days for those of us still wrestling with how to rhyme Oxnard.
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The first syllable is said the same as one would say the bovine beast "ox;" the sacond like this:https://www.google.com/search?q=nard&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS787US787&oq=nard&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39j0l4.1855j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 The rhyming sites fail totally!
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I just caught a bit of the TV show, "Family Travels with Colleen Kelly." She went to Oxnard!!! It seems the real estate revoltin' developers have gotten hold of the shoreline and yuppfied the hell out of it. And how did Ms Kelly say it? "OxNERD! ROFLMAO!!!
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Last Call for OXNARD, pronounced -nard as in barnyard. Except when it's pronounced -nerd as in lanyard or halyard. We're not fussy.
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...and here are the candidates: (continued here)
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