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Here are the limericks, this time with their authors attached: 1. There was an old fellow of Nome Whose forehead resembled a dome He measured his worth By his cranial girth And his lack of a need for a comb -- BobHale 2. She had a chance to move from Nome. She said, "I'd rather be in Rome. The weather's better. Hot men wear leather. Some priests inspire under a dome." -- *sattva 3. Nudists ought not live in Nome Too frigid to call it your home It's often so chilly You'll freeze nose and willy You'd better try Naples or Rome. -- Geoff 4. A day shopping for veges in Nome Wasn't easy 'coz Nome didnt grome But the Pilgrim Hot Springs Is about to change things 'Coz they grome and they shome and we ome. -- BobHale 5. There once was a fellow, Jerome From a very cold city called Nome. His beard - it was frozen, And while he was dozin', The kids would all spray it with foam. --Kalleh 6. A baldy who lived up in Nome Has never had need of a comb. He seldom gets chilly (Now this may sound silly) A sea otter sleeps on his dome. -- Geoff 7. A tech-savvy hunter from Nome Brought his laptop whenever he'd roam "I've been on Safari In search of my quarry But frankly I'd rather use Chrome..." -- Haberdasher 8. "Goodbye, goodbye," he said to Nome. "I much prefer a warmer home. Somewhere that's sunny. You'll be my honey. We'll make a life on love that's grown." -- *sattva 9. A shapely young woman of Nome Backed into a butcher shop tome Disaster, I'd say And up to this day She seldom if ever leaves home -- Geoff _____________________ All the contributors who are able have voted. One for 1, one for 3, and one for 7. That makes a tie, so I get to vote and break the tie, and I hereby cast my vote for Number 4. Which leaves us no closer to a resolution than when we began. Everyone appears to be very busy with other things lately, and I would wish a reflective and a peaceful Veterans Day to all. To you and to my fellow veterans: Thank you all for sharing your "lives, your fortunes, and your sacred honor," and also for your Service. | ||
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It could resolve things... 1 and 4 are both mine so if you want to count that as a win I’ll choose a place. "No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson. | |||
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Done, and done. You’re It! | |||