Member posted September 18, 2003 19:19
Getting too long again on
thread 4 so let's start again on thread 5!
Last entry by ASA was:
quote: COMICS Come on, munch ice cream sandwiches!COMEDY Can Oliver meet Edith down yonder?
Member Young Oscar never did enjoy repartee.WILDLY
Member WinterBranch insists lively dudes love you!FIERCE
Frightened, if eager RN's can enlist!
(you all realize that I have no idear
what I'm doing, don't you?)
Member Even novices learn it's silly toying.
NOVICE WinterBranch, you are doing just fine!
Member No one verily insists clinicians enlist.
Member Even Xeroxes, perfect equivalents, require toner.
(pffffffffttttt, Kalleh
Member Ancient mansion, Atlanta treasure, undergoes restoration. "Xerox-type copiers - perfect equivalence - toner requirement", did you say? Wrong thread!DACTYL
Member David Adams creates tastes you'll love.CATERR
Member Cats always try eating rotund rats.DOUBLE
Member DOUBLE Does our uncle believe lemmings exist?UNCLE
Member no WONDER nobody has replied to this thread! I just realized it's supposed to be SIX letters, not FIVE!!
Let's try this again:
DOUBLE Does our uncle believe lemmings exist?
UNCLES (when in doubt, add an 's'!
Member UNCLES This Is How A Surealist Wouldplaythisgame.AUNTIE
<wordnerd> posted September 23, 2003 18:30
quote: Originally posted by C J Strolin: UNCLES: This Is How A Surealist Wouldplaythisgame.This from a gentleman who sets intricate and detailed standards for double-dactyls.
UNCLES - Unfounded news commentary left everyone seething.
Member An uncle never torments itsy elephants.FATHER
Member For another thing, he's eating ravenously.EARWIG
Member Eating all rutabagas with insatiable gusto!
that, CJ!
Member Baseball really entertains worldly, erudite revelers! [Brewer inspired me to make a baseball post since the wonderful Milwaukee Brewers beat the Houston (sorry WinterBranch!) Astros today, assisting the Cubs! Can you tell that I am from the home of the soon-to-be world champion Chicago Cubs?!]
Member Chicago's Underrated Base-Ballers Invigorate Everyone ('s Spirits)CHAMPS Think Positive!
Member Chicago has a memorable political system
<Asa Lovejoy> posted September 28, 2003 17:29
RDALEY Rarely does anyone like eating yo-yos.CORUPT
Member Can only really unusual people
thrip? RSANTO
Member quote: Originally posted by Asa Lovejoy: RDALEY CORUPTRoused, Shufitz absolutely negates that obloquy.
<Asa Lovejoy> posted October 04, 2003 13:24
JORDAN Jordan? The river, you mean? Jocular, obsequious, ribald drudges adore necrophilia.MEANDR Now, for the bonus quiz: Where is the Meander River?
Member Most enlightened Aussies never drink rum. TEAPOT Meander River is located about 70 km north of High Level on the Mackenzie Highway. Where is the Darling River???
Member quote: Where is the Darling River??? West Hollywood? San Francisco? The Montrose area here in Houston?
I thought the Meander was in Central Asia. I'm guessing Australia for the Darling.
Member You're right about the Darling, Darling. But let's not forget the TEAPOT !!!TEAPOT
Member TrossL: Excellent at poetry or theses.COFFEE
Member quote: Originally posted by wordnerd:quote: Originally posted by C J Strolin: UNCLES: This Is How A Surealist Wouldplaythisgame. This from a gentleman who sets intricate and detailed standards for double-dactyls. How did I get this reputation??!! I don't write the rules, I merely help enforce them by pointing out (back in the day when I did so; I've mellowed somewhat since) that it is exactly because the rules of a double dactyl are so rigorous that this form is all that more enjoyable
when those rules are followed !
You wouldn't tolerate a 29-syllable haiku, would you?!
Member quote: Originally posted by Hic et ubique: _BREWER_ (Take _that,_ CJ! )Another shot! Such abuse!!
(I rarely check out this thread, hence my late responses to the above two posts.)
Hic, I can only assume you were mind-altered at the time of this post. Please! For the good of this board, I implore you, lay off that Dog's Butt 1854! Look what it's done to R.E.!
Member Could Oscar fondle Felicia's enormous E-cups? (sorry...) Canibals only fry friends. Exit expeditiously!BRAVES
Member Baseball really animates very elderly seniors.BREWRS
Member (Hmmm, sounds familiar!)
But, really elderly women revile sports!
MARLNS Good to see you back posting in this thread, Jerry!
I love Fuller's 1845
beer ...and the Cubs!
<Asa Lovejoy> posted October 06, 2003 21:48
Felicia's enormous E-cups? ---------------------------------- Imagine those E-cups If she had the Heecups! BREWRS Breast reduction enhances women's ridiculous stature. (Asa the A-cup afficianado)AREOLA
<Asa Lovejoy> posted October 06, 2003 21:52
Oh, darn! Kaleh, you jumped in ahead of me! OK: MARLNS May Asa realise lessons not sensedDODGRS
Member Dozens of dogs got rabies, surprisingly.DOZENS
Member Doing our Zen exercises now scintillates ...SCORES
Member Sammy can out-run every scorer.
Heh! Heh! You have to be a Cubs fan to get that one!
Member Some older citizens cultivate erotica religiously TENNIS
Member (What with country-club dues, tennis is an expensive sport. Therefore ...]
To enjoy, need "net" income, surely.
Member Episcopal vicars encourage regular tithing BAPTST
Member Better academicians prefer to study thoroughly.YALIES
<Asa Lovejoy> posted October 11, 2003 07:42
YALIES ---------------------------------- Yodeling alpine ladies invite erotic stimulationYESHVA
Member Yes, erotic stimulation has venereal attributes.SMOOCH
Member Such mush! Oh our cupidity's high!LOVERS
Member Lovers of very enriching romantic styles.ROMANC
<Asa Lovejoy> posted October 12, 2003 14:58
ROMANC Remove, Opelia's manacles and nipple covers. (Oohhh, a little S&M goin'on here!)CARESS
Member Can anyone remember extra sensory sensations? SECRET
Member Sexuality especially creates really exciting talk!HAPILY
<Asa Lovejoy> posted October 13, 2003 07:00
HAPILY Have Asa's prurient ideas left you?NAASTY