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Up the river with the limericks Login/Join
Since I typically screw things up WRT this game, I'll deliberately screw it up right from the get-go by NOT choosing a single place, but a river. Rolls-Royce used to name turbine engines after rivers in the UK, so I'll do likewise and pick the River Nene. Because it's pronounced two ways depending on how far inland one goes, the possibilities for rhyming are pretty broad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/River_Nene

Usual PMs to me, please - and I'll not be using a poll come hell or high water!

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Posts: 6175 | Location: Muncie, IndianaReply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Kalleh
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Interesting choice! So, should we rhyme "river" and "nene?"

I've looked up a few YouTube sites and it seems to be pronounced "nay-nay." I can't see that one syllable is more emphasized than another, which would make the meter difficult. Is it "NAY-nay?"
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My above link shows it to be either Neen or Ninn, or so it seems to me. Arnie, Bob, Fat Stan, or some other Brit, would you care to clarify? I say, "Nay" to the Nay-nay-sayers, but so long as you don't call it, "Ohio" you can do as you like.

This reminds me of how the Indiana locals destroy their French heritage by saying "Noter Daym," "Terra Hote," "Versails," etc, yet they get "Russiaville" just about right. Go figure...
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Hmmm, interesting. I checked three sites, and they all said it as: nay-nay. Here is one of them. This last one clearly stresses the first syllable, so that's what I'll do. My other two did not seem to stress either syllable.

I bet we'll see some fun rhymes with this one.
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Picture of BobHale
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But that isn't the place name... it's a species of goose. Were either of your other links to the actual place?

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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On this link it says the River Nene is pronounced one of two ways and it is one syllable, not two. Take a look and comment please.

River Nene
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Your link references the Wikipedia article I linked to, sattva, but yours is a lot prettier! Big Grin
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Okay, I hate to admit this, Geoff, but I don't know what some of those pronunciation letters and marks mean. Tell me it rhymes with hen or bean though, and I understand. I know only basic pronunciation marks.
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I suspect some of you will be clever enough to use both "Neen" and "Nin" in your Nene limerick.
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Yes, Bob. My other links were to the River.
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Darn! No limericks and we're up the creek already! It's really weird that some searches do, as Nancy said, link to a goose (nay-nay), not to a river! Wikipedia may, as Z said, be one's friend, but not always Google!
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The cruciverbalist in me says "Nene" is a Hawaiian goose. That there's another meaning comes as a surprise.
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Nene is what a stuttering horse does.
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Originally posted by haberdasher:
The cruciverbalist in me
You??? Mild-mannered, polite YOU??? I've never seen you post a single cross word!

BTW, Russian for "goose" is "Гусь" It's pronounced, "goose." Aren't you all thrilled to know that? That's because no matter how much vodka you've consumed, you can still say it.

Now, back to the Nene... https://www.google.com/search?...mgrc=zjUHgLUZBW14wM:
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Sorry, Geoff. I need to think and then I'll send one. Thanks for your patience!
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One in so far. C'mon people you've got TWO ways to say it, so it ought to be easy!
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Sent one.

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Well, so far I’ve discovered that it’s the slowest-flowing river in England and the tenth largest. Maybe that’s the one that Hoagy Carmichael and Sidney Arodin wrote about (Lazy River). And the Nene, the Witham, the Welland, and the Great Ouse all come out in The Wash. Must be where that saying comes from. But I still can’t come up with a limerick.
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But you're so good at them, Tinman!
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Two in now. C''mon Tinny, git 'er done!
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Chiming in late here NEN or NEEN, that's what I gather from sattva's link-- NU?
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B5 - It rhymes with either "hen" or "bean"depending on the exact area.

Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
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Originally posted by sattva:
Okay, I hate to admit this, Geoff, but I don't know what some of those pronunciation letters and marks mean. Tell me it rhymes with hen or bean though, and I understand. I know only basic pronunciation marks.
Sattva, true confession time-- glad I'm not the only one! Learning that pronunciation code is on my bucket list.
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Three in so far. Keep 'em coming!
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I've got a couple more. Keep rowing!
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Row, row, row your boat gently down the Nene,
From Northampton to The Wash,
Then do it all over again.

Or ...

Row, row, row your boat gently down the Nene,
Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is so serene.

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Posts: 2878 | Location: Shoreline, WA, USAReply With QuoteReport This Post
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Where's Haberdasher??? Where's Stella? Where's Museamuse? Where's Neveu? Where's RJA? I'm not even sure where Greg is. And I haven't heard from Bethree5. WAAAAAHH!!!
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You are remembering some of the oldies but goodies! I miss z from time to time, and even goofy has been a bit missing lately, not to mention my own husband. Heck, when push comes to shove, don't tell Bob, but I even miss Richard sometimes. Wink

Hab has been around; he is probably just busy. He'll be back. I'll contact Greg.
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Where's Proofreader? A goose egg from him so far too. Despite his driving me away, Richard did wrote some good limericks.
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Where's Proofreader?

Still here but my creative juices are blocked.
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Well, let's see: Hmmmm.... Using the less common pronunciation, you could write,
"A lady who lives near the Nene
Whose writing is with a quill pen
Mistook her ink well
For some old K-Y jell,,," And you get to finish it!
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Originally posted by Geoff:
... Richard did wrote some good limericks.
He did wrote some bad ones, too.
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Picture of BobHale
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Originally posted by tinman:
Originally posted by Geoff:
... Richard did wrote some good limericks.
He did wrote some bad ones, too.

Ah, but which of hasn't?

"No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." Samuel Johnson.
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Geoff can't spel.
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I've oft set me down, trying to pen
A limerick that cites the bold Nene--
A river, though large,
That flows like a barge--
But bless me, I'm fat and slow, too.
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Wrong river, but the sentiment is what counts:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh9WayN7R-s
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How's it going, Geoff?
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Still waiting on Haberdasher and Bethree5, or anyone else who wishes to participate.
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I am in a similar boat, Geoff! I have only 4 entries so far in the bluffing game for spalpeen. Frown
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And both Nene and spalpeen are such fun words. Come on, folks!
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While floating serene on the Nene
Someone said, "What on earth's a 'spalpeen?'"
I said, "I know not,
But I fear that it's got
A meaning that's likely obscene" Roll Eyes
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hile floating serene on the Nene
Someone said, "What on earth's a 'spalpeen?'"
I said, "I know not,
But I fear that it's got
A meaning that's likely obscene"

We have the winner!
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Originally posted by Proofreader:

We have the winner!
Not yet. Where's yours? Did I accidentally delete it? Please resend if so. If not, get the darned thing in!!!

BTW, since "dent" is French for "tooth, is an accident an unexpected tooth?
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Where's Proofreader?

Still here but my creative juices are blocked.

I refer you this post 10/11.
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I've given up hope and posted what's been submitted.
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