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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 09, 2004 18:50
As promised, I am restarting this thread with the new rules. Asa wanted me to remind us not to forget to rotate the WordMaster duties to the new players.

WordMaster duties will be rotated throughout all players.
3 points for the WordMaster fooling everyone.
2 points for guessing the word correctly.
1 point for fooling someone else with your definition.

The WordMaster will post the word, and then the players will send the WordMaster a private topic with a definition intended to bluff the players. Even if you know the word, you should send a made-up definition. When the WordMaster gets an adequate number of definitions (around 6), he/she will post them. Then the players will choose what they think the real definition is.

Now for my word:


One of my sources spelled it "quisquillous," but the gold standard, OED (except for deleting "epicaricacy" Wink), spells it "quisquilious."

[This message was edited by Kalleh on Wed Feb 11th, 2004 at 7:21.]
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 11, 2004 07:24Hide Post
Last call for "quisquilious!" I have 6 responses so far; remember, the more the merrier!

I will post the definitions tonight (CST).
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 11, 2004 22:03Hide Post
Here are the definitions. No cheating now! Wink

1) From the archaic Castilian Spanish "quinoseer," meaning "questioning".

2) Made of rubbish.

3) Having a black sheen, like the feathers of a blackbird (genus Quisquilis).

4) Indecisive.

5) Displaying qualities of a traitor.

6) Treacherous, dishonest, untrustworthy (...such a gallery of quisquilious rogues..., Titus Andronicus - W. Shakespeare)

7) Anything in nature related to 5-sides; such as porcupine quills, many blades of grass, and snowflakes. In relating to people, a quisquilious person relates to all sides, trying to please everyone; but pleasing no one.
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Picture of arnie
posted February 12, 2004 01:03Hide Post
My vote is for 2)
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Picture of WinterBranch
posted February 12, 2004 02:48Hide Post
I'm voting for 3
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Picture of BobHale
posted February 12, 2004 02:51Hide Post
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posted February 12, 2004 12:23Hide Post
I vote for 3...
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Picture of C J Strolin
posted February 12, 2004 14:39Hide Post
Three people vote for #3 and Arnie votes for #2 which, all things considered, make them about equal.

Can #5 and #6 both be right? If someone happens to actually know the meaning of the word, should they submit the correct definition or, for the sake of the game, just make something up?

Another observation - Might this game be better played if the final guesses also were sent in via PT? Just a thought...

I hate to just join a crowd but when I first read the list, #3 was the one to jump out at me as the most logical sounding so I'll go with it. I have reasons for liking and disliking others but I'll save any critique for later.

(Of course, if Arnie made up definition #3, I am going to be sooo pissed!)
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posted February 12, 2004 17:46Hide Post

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<Asa Lovejoy>
posted February 12, 2004 19:34
Since 5 and 6 are essentially the same, I'll assume that 6 is the answer, and that Arnie gave the correct answer, as usual...
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Picture of arnie
posted February 13, 2004 06:12Hide Post
Asa said:
I'll assume that 6 is the answer, and that Arnie gave the correct answer, as usual...
yeahbut... I went for number 2... Confused
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 13, 2004 15:58Hide Post
I will post the answer later this evening. Does anyone else want to play?
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 13, 2004 20:10Hide Post
1) From the archaic Castilian Spanish "quinoseer," meaning "questioning"....WinterBranch

2) Made of rubbish. OED

3) Having a black sheen, like the feathers of a blackbird (genus Quisquilis).arnie

4) Indecisive.Asa

5) Displaying qualities of a traitor.CJ

6) Treacherous, dishonest, untrustworthy (...such a gallery of quisquilious rogues..., Titus Andronicus - W. Shakespeare)Bob

7) Anything in nature related to 5-sides; such as porcupine quills, many blades of grass, and snowflakes. In relating to people, a quisquilious person relates to all sides, trying to please everyone; but pleasing no one. KHC

arnie - 6!!! (didn't I say we all had to try harder, guys?!)
Kalleh - 0
Asa - 0
Bob - 2
WinterBranch - 0
KHC - 1

arnie - 20
CJ - 8 1/2
Bob - 7
Asa - 7
Kalleh - 5
Shu - 3
Wordnerd - 3
WinterBranch - 2
KHC - 2
Haberdasher - 1
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Picture of arnie
posted February 14, 2004 00:41Hide Post
Well, I must confess to having an advantage for quisquilious, Our Latin teacher used to write trenchant comments, in Latin, on our homework. One I remember is quisquiliae sunt, which I had to look up in the dictionary. Unfortunately I found out it meant "rubbish"! I still remember the word forty years later.

When I was looking for a word for an earlier game I came across grackle (a North American blackbird) but rejected it as an American would probably know it. I remembered that the grackle is of the genus quis-something or other and so used it in an attempt to lend authenticity to my definition. It seems to have worked! Big Grin

By the way, the real genus of the grackle is Quiscalus, according to Dictionary.com.
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Picture of BobHale
posted February 14, 2004 01:26Hide Post
I think we need an extension to the rules to take into account what happens if someone accidentally guesses the right answer or if two people come up with extremely similar answers - oh yes, and to handicap arnie.

Any suggestions ?

And who's next up ?

(I feel quite worried that my guess was so simalr to CJ's, does this mean I need to spend my savings on seeking psychiatric help ?)

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Picture of C J Strolin
posted February 14, 2004 10:24Hide Post
Like Arnie, I had hoped that my definition, being somewhat similar to that of the word "Quisling" which this round's word resembled, would prompt gullible Wordcrafters to jump on it. Unlike Arnie, sadly, no one's buying my BS these days. Three fine incorrect definitions and total point earnings of, roughly, bupkus.

And B.H., I'm mildly insulted. I would think that the similarity of our answers would be cause for great jubilation on your part. It's good to see that I'm finally having a positive effect on you.
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 14, 2004 19:14Hide Post
Bob, do you want to suggest a new rule? To me, it really doesn't matter if the 2 are similar (obviously they won't be exactly similar.) Actually, CJ had decided against a more detailed part to his answer, and I definitely would have gone for that detailed answer. However, if it bothers others to have similar definitions, we could have the WordMaster contact them and ask for other definitions. Or, does anyone have another suggestion?

As far as arnie, I don't know what to do! Razz He's waaaay too good for me! One thing--maybe arnie should try to post his answer last? Otherwise, I know I will always want to select his definition!

I suggest KHC next as she is newest to the board. Should we have the WordMaster suggest the next person, based on who has posted words before? I don't want to be too controlling here!
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Picture of jerry thomas
posted February 14, 2004 19:34Hide Post
I have an appalling lack of self discipline and an irresistible urge to learn. I am unable to enforce the Prohibition against looking for information about the quiz word in all possible sources.

So .... that's to explain my absence.

in case anyone wondered. Eek

~~~~ jerry
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posted February 14, 2004 20:55Hide Post

I did wonder! So perhaps you should be the Grand Poohbah next.. I certainly don't want to be.. Wink Therefore, you would be in control and not have to worry about cheating.

Isn't that a grand idea? Whaddya think?
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<Asa Lovejoy>
posted February 14, 2004 21:04
So perhaps you should be the Grand Poohbah next.

As the one who started this game, I AM THE GRAND POOBAH. However, I do think that you should take the duties of WordMaster for the next round, KHC. Go to it!

Lord Asa the munificent and most wise Grand Poobah
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posted February 14, 2004 21:18Hide Post
Poor Jerry, he's probably still sucking on that coconut and missed his chance to LEAD. I will accept the Wordmaster position.. give me 24 hours! I know that you post definitions by private email... Did you want to post answers privately also? So no one can see which one Arnie picks? Wink Or stick to posting answers in public...?
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 14, 2004 23:33Hide Post
Hey, that's a marvelous idea, KHC! Big Grin We wouldn't even have to start another private topic thread, unless the person guessing didn't post a definition, as Tinman sometimes does. We could put our guesses in the same private topic we used to post our definitions. Then, I wouldn't be tempted by arnie! Wink

I know what you mean, Jerry. I look up the word the second I have chosen a definition. We would love to see you playing here, though. I imagine you would have some really creative definitions. I thought Bob's was just great last time.
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Picture of arnie
posted February 14, 2004 23:49Hide Post
Posting the votes by private message as well as the definitions seems fair enough to me. What says the Grand Poobah?
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<Asa Lovejoy>
posted February 15, 2004 20:01
Posting the votes by private message as well as the definitions seems fair
enough to me. What says the Grand Poobah?
It's worth trying. If it takes away from the fun, we can revert to the public posting of who picked what. Give it a try!
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posted February 15, 2004 20:54Hide Post
We've waited all day for the Poobah okay.. I have a great word, I hope, that confounds everyone.. I will post on Monday. I want to be sure CJ is aware, he's been too quiet. Jerry, I wish you would join us.. and play along, w/o resorting to the dictionary. I'm on Eastern Standard Time, US... in case anyone wonders..
Hope everyone had a great President's Day/Valentine weekend... but I guess those of you in the UK don't celebrate President's Day.. Unfortunately, here in the states, it has become a good time to buy linens and towels.. Washington and Lincoln combined... it's a shame.

I will continue this in Bluffing Game 2, because I don't know how to start a new thread.. I don't even sew, for God's sakes!

Put on your thinking caps, my Mensa friends.
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Picture of C J Strolin
posted February 16, 2004 09:12Hide Post
Don't worry about not starting a new thread, KHC. It's better this way. This gives newcomers the opportunity to review past games without having to go from thread to thread to thread.

And if I'm not around for a while, don't sweat it. I wouldn't want anyone to accuse you of favoritism. If I'm ever away for a while, it's probably due to work. Not a regular 8-to-5 kinda guy, most of my work is done from Thursday to Monday morning.

So bring on your killer word!
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posted February 16, 2004 20:55Hide Post
As promised, I am continuing this thread with the new rules. Asa wanted me to remind us not to forget to rotate the WordMaster duties to the new players.

WordMaster duties will be rotated throughout all players.
3 points for the WordMaster fooling everyone.
2 points for guessing the word correctly.
1 point for fooling someone else with your definition.

The WordMaster will post the word, and then the players will send the WordMaster a private topic with a definition intended to bluff the players. Even if you know the word, you should send a made-up definition. When the WordMaster gets an adequate number of definitions (around 6), he/she will post them. Then the players will choose, by private topic, what they think the real definition is.

Therefore, everyone will email me at khcharb@juno.com... their definition, and their choice of definitions when all are received.
If everyone sends me a correct definition, I will evaporate into the stratosphere, never to be heard from again... Roll Eyes

The new Bluff word is: elaterium

Bring it on!
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 16, 2004 21:17Hide Post
KHC, do you want an e-mail rather than a private topic?
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posted February 17, 2004 14:16Hide Post
It doesn't matter.. Smile So far I have 3 definitions... send me another one!
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posted February 17, 2004 20:49Hide Post
Now I have four definitions... I need more!
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Picture of C J Strolin
posted February 18, 2004 12:04Hide Post
Sorry Kiddo, but this might just mean a bit more work from you this time around. Previously we came to a general agreement that if 6 entrees were not received by a certain time (though I don't think we came to any definite figure there) the WordMaster would be responsible for bringing the number up to that figure. Having one player come up with more than one definition would be an easy way out maybe but wouldn't be entirely fair point-wise later on.
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 18, 2004 14:35Hide Post
Alternatively, read the board to see who the culprits are who have posted definitions before, but not now, and then e-mail or PT them to get their arse in gear! Wink [Can you tell that I have been reading a book written by an Irish author?]

CJ has called me a noodge before, and I guess he is right!
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posted February 18, 2004 15:29Hide Post
I have 5 replies as of 6:30 pm EST... is that enough? Or do I need to noodge people...? Confused
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posted February 18, 2004 20:14Hide Post
I "noodged" a few regulars... if I hear nothing, I will post possible definitions on Thursday night, 9 pm EST.

Use your noodle, not your google.. Wink
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<Asa Lovejoy>
posted February 18, 2004 21:05
Use your noodle, not your google
What do you find when you Google "noodle?" Smile
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posted February 19, 2004 18:34Hide Post
Ta da! Here are the definitions.. Have fun.
Private post your votes. Eek

1. A special room designed for pure pleasure. (from Sanskrit elat-- off to one side).

2. Ancient Roman theatre used solely for the performance of sung or recited verse.

3. A chemical element discovered by Sir William Crookes in 1898. Its nitrate is obtained by practical decomposition and crystallization of yttrium nitrate. Its atomic weight is 117.

4. The part of a Victorian theatre or music hall's auditorium comprising private boxes. The area occupied by the upper classes.

5. Most recent addition to the Periodic Table of Elements (discovered January 2004), highly unstable and not found in nature, it has a half-life of less than 20 nanoseconds.

6. A cathartic obtained from the dried juice of the spitting cucumber.

7. An aside, or incidental comment, from Latin, latus, side..
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posted February 19, 2004 18:36Hide Post
The word was elaterium.
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posted February 20, 2004 21:33Hide Post
I never received your vote... private post me!
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posted February 20, 2004 21:34Hide Post
I am afraid to google "noodle"... God knows what will be there...
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Picture of jerry thomas
posted February 20, 2004 21:45Hide Post
..... number three of course
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<Asa Lovejoy>
posted February 21, 2004 20:00
I never received your vote... private post me
I've e-mailed and I've PMed #4. Now I've gone public with it!
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posted February 21, 2004 20:20Hide Post
I have all the results and a nice, lengthy summary, but it refuses to send... This is a test..

It, it, what it? The damned computer, or the damned DSL or the damned internet.. who knows?
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posted February 21, 2004 20:28Hide Post
Jerry authored #1 - he fooled no one (0 points)
BobHale authored #2 - he fooled Kalleh (1 pt)
Kalleh authored #3 - she fooled jerry (1 pt)
Arnie authored #4 - he fooled Asa, CJ, Bob Hale (3 pts)
CJ authored #5 - he fooled no one, sorry KnifeMan (0 points)
KHC authored #6 - she fooled everyone! (3 pts)
Asa authored #7 - he fooled Arnie (1 point)

I'm keeping this short in hopes it will SEND..
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posted February 21, 2004 20:32Hide Post
I guess I can only write "briefly"... damned machine!

Watch those salads... you may find a spitting cucumber!

Please don't make me add point totals.. it is too late at night.. we'll do that tomorrow.. Arnie is still way ahead of the game. The Grand Poobah, Asa, who DID fool Arnie, needs to select the next Wordmaster... (In fact, they fooled each other.. Wink)
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Picture of arnie
posted February 22, 2004 01:23Hide Post
Congratulations, KHC! You are the first WordMaster to manage to fool everyone! Big Grin

I found this page at google:
There is a case on record of a French doctor who suffered severely from carrying some of the seeds in his hat from the Jardin des Plante to his Paris lodging.
... His hat? Confused Eek
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<Asa Lovejoy>
posted February 22, 2004 11:11
Great Job, KHC!

Jerry, you haven't done your duty as Wordmaster, soooo, you're up!
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Picture of jerry thomas
posted February 22, 2004 11:50Hide Post
Unaccustomed, as I am, to being "up," I'm here now to announce, with appropriate fanfare

(roll of drums)

(blare of trumpets)

The next word is ...... (the envelope, please!) ...

............. ........ ..... ... .. . psithurism
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Picture of Kalleh
posted February 22, 2004 19:32Hide Post
Belatedly, but congratulations, KHC! Big Grin

CJ and I think alike!
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posted February 22, 2004 19:40Hide Post
Thanks, Kalleh... I think I was just lucky!

Evidently, you and CJ are twins separated at birth.. Wink

Now we have Surfer Boy leading the pack.. I think the winner of this next game needs a trip to Hawaii, courtesy of jerry..
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Picture of C J Strolin
posted February 23, 2004 09:00Hide Post
Once again (4 times in a row, now!) I've had what I considered a crackerjack definition and once again I'm pointless. (I hear that a lot...)

Also, for the second time in a row I almost matched someone else with my phoney definition. What that says about B.H. and/or Kalleh, I don't know.

HOWEVER!! The new word is vaguely familiar to me. While I can't pull the correct definition out of the ol' grey matter at the moment, I'm hoping I'll at least be able to recognize it from the list. I'll catch Arnie yet!

(Yeah, right...)
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