Today's Language Log post was about twetiquette or the complaints about the grammar and posts on Twitter.
If you'd like to take up the task, some of the "twitter scolds" mentioned in the article are GrammarCop, Twenglish Police, Grammar Fail, Grammar Hero, Tweeting Too Hard, and Twitter Fail.
Apparently there are many others as well. Some enterprising scholar of Peevology could no doubt get a few research publications out of this phenomenon, thus raising the process another meta.
When it comes to language complaints, there's always something!
LOL. I went and added Mr Cusack as a friend. I like his attitude about they CyberThistelbottoms. I do like the term Tweet Scold, though. It's almost as good a grammaticohooligans. In fact, I think I'll start a Facebook group dedicated to studying peevers of all bents. It's not so much the scolding, it's the incivility of their tweets.
[Addendum: OK, I started a Facebook group called The Morphology of Peevology[/i].]This message has been edited. Last edited by: zmježd,