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Picture of shufitz
George the First was always reckoned
Vile, but viler George the Second;
And what mortal ever heard
Any good of George the Third?
When from earth the Fourth descended
(God be praised!) the Georges ended.

No long true! Congrats to our UK and Commonwealth friends.
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Picture of zmježd
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Must've been written before Georges V and VI.

Ceci n'est pas un seing.
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As was recently pointed out in several commentaries, it seems the Royal Family is familiar with Sienfeld. George Costanza is a character on the show played by Jason Alexander and the female lead is played by Julia Louis Dreyfus. Thus George Alexandeer Louis.

There's a cartoon that probably won't be liked in some circles. It shows a man loudly complaining to a woman: "They're all leeches who never work and are constantly having babies."
The woman in the next frame says, "I LIKE the Royal Family."
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Picture of Kalleh
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My dad was named George. He would be so happy! I am sure we will see a lot more Georges in the future.
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Resurrecting an old thread again:

Now another George just unintentionally stirred up one heck of a row, thanks to a cop whose family name is Chauvin! How perfect is that!

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Picture of Kalleh
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This is an old thread. i miss zmj!
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