In this Orwellian age, when words no longer mean what they say, it seems to me that we could use a "clearing house" for words and terms that have been "spun" into something contrary to what they seem. For example, the left has recently taken to using the term, "activist judge" to mean someone who has a particular agenda, despite their previously considering activism in a positive light. The right has coined the nonsense term, "partial birth abortion." There's simply no such thing. What other terms irritate, gall, annoy, vex, or insult you?
"Wise use" was a term used by the timber interest-oriented folks who wanted to loosen environmental regulations, but didn't want to say so. We don't hear it much in the present administration, perhaps because there's nobody around to stop them from wiping out whatever regulation they want to.
Asa, great post! One of my most recent favorites is the Republicans calling their attempt to change the Senate rules on filibustering to the "nuclear option." I haven't figured out why they call it that. Now, however, they have found that the word "nuclear" isn't such a popular one. So, now they want to change it to the "Constitutional option." Whatever...isn't it the same thing, no matter what it's called?