I found this great contest. You have to describe the plot of an opera as a Twitter post, which is to say it needs to be 140 characters or less. You also have to include the hash tag #operaplot as part of your character count. (a hash tag is a way of finding related tweets)
******* "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama
BTW, I found the best use of Twitter tonight. Our northline train, home from the city, was canceled due to a horrible accident. This happened right at rush hour, and there was a fair amount of chaos. How handy Twitter would be to have informed us all!
There’s a trend that I think I have spotted In the way Twitter use is alloted. The ladies all scream “Oh, to Twitter’s a dream!” So most Twitterers would seem betwatted.
I didn't do the contest, but I thought you all would play with it. Guess not! Was more fun to just play with the twitter-age. No worries. Apparently there were well over 500 entries in the contest.
That's because of the 140-character limit. Tweets lend themselves admirably to haikus, and several people apparently use Twitter to post their poems. There's a group for them at http://twittgroups.com/group/haiku
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.