Paraverbal Login/Join
Picture of Caterwauller
posted May 24, 2006 18:30
This was another new word for me today. Have any of you heard it? There is only one entry for this at onelook:
Main Entry: para·ver·bal
Pronunciation: -'v&r-b&l
Function: adjective
: being nonverbal communication <paraverbal techniques in the therapy of childhood —Journal of the American Medical Association>

When I googled, I found this description and some examples that coincide with what I learned about today.

Have you all heard it? Used it?

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<Asa Lovejoy>
posted May 24, 2006 20:01
Does this not relate to metalanguage?
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Picture of Kalleh
posted May 24, 2006 20:25Hide Post
Surely I have known the concept, but I hadn't known the word. It makes sense, though.
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Picture of zmježd
posted May 25, 2006 07:55Hide Post
Along the same lines as paratext 'outside the text (under consideration)'. And paradise from the Persian word (nowadays Farsi) for 'outside the wall' (those walled gardens; cf. Avestan pairidaeza) via Greek παραδεισος (paradeisos) 'royal park'; the second morpheme is realted to Latin fingo 'to form' (which gives us figure and fiction), English dough, Greek τειχος (teikhos) 'wall'. Also, parergon 'outside the work; framing' (cf. French hors d'oeuvre), from outside and erg- 'work' (cf. English energy, work).

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