I heard a word last night with which I'm unfamiliar, and I can't find it anywhere. It sounded like "ragareet," or maybe "vagareet," describing the fluttering ululation or warble women in certain cultures make. It's most common in Middle Eastern cultures, according to the speaker. Since the speaker was on TV, I wasn't able to ask about it. Anybody know how to spell it?
How very interesting, Tinman! Thanks! I know that English has more words than other languages--been there, done that. However, we couldn't possibly have as many belly-dancing terms as the Middle-Easterners do, could we?
Tinman, very interesting site you directed us to! I like the words, and I know others will enjoy the pictures. However, after the definition of Zaghareet it says: "PRESS HERE TO HEAR WHAT OUR ZAGHAREET SOUNDS LIKE!!!", but it isn't clickable! Almost made me wonder if this whole site wasn't a joke?
Posts: 1412 | Location: Buffalo, NY, United States
quote:Originally posted by Morgan: Almost made me wonder if this whole site wasn't a joke?
Possibly, but I really don't think so. I need a sound board for my computer so I couldn't hear it anyway. Here's another glossary and an article on "How To Be An Appreciative Audience Member". This article says "zaghareet" is the plural of "zagharoot". Search for "zaghareet" on your browser and you'll get lots of sites.
[This message was edited by tinman on Sat Apr 12th, 2003 at 8:24.]