Asa, I had just remembered that we'd talked about it before somewhere. I hadn't remembered what was said, and obviously I found it quite interesting. The fact is, now that we've been going for 4 1/2 years, we will bring up subjects that we've talked about. If we worry about that every time we bring up a topic, nobody will post!
So let's take this one in a different direction. I looked
profanity up in
Wikipedia, and found this: "The original meaning of the term was restricted to blasphemy, sacrilege or saying the Lord's name in vain. Profanity represented a secular indifference to religion or religious figures, while blasphemy was a more offensive attack on religion and religious figures. However, the term has been extended to include expressions with scatological, sexist, derogatory, racist, or sexual themes. Compare the concept of the four-letter word. The more vague and inclusive interpretation blurs the distinction between categories of offensive words."
It's interesting that originally "blasphemy" was considered the more offensive attack and that "profanity" represented merely a secular indifference to religion. Also, I tend to think of "profanity" as swearing (rather vague, I know), but not so general as to include sexist or racist words. For example, I wouldn't call the n-word profanity exactly. Rude, insensitive, racist, but not necessarily
profanity. Would you?