LAT-tuh-lat tuh-SIM-ee WRAWL (to rhyme with "crawl")
This is a pseudo-foreign phrase lovingly created by yours truly as an acronym for:
Let's All Take Another Look At This Thread And See If Maybe It's Worth Reviving A While Longer.
You'll have undoubtedly noticed a number of old threads unexpectedly popping up to the top of the list of topics today. I'm still a relative newcomer here and, as such, missed out on any number of the jucier tidbits of the past. In the future, I will just throw my "Latalat Tasimi Wrawl" in the subject line and you can all either comment or let the thread sink back into oblivion in another 60 days.
Or maybe I'll just lable it "L. T. W." so that when someone else asks what those initials stand for, I (or anyone else, for than matter) can simply post in reply "Why, 'Latalat Tasimi Wrawl,' of course!
Naturally, if this neologism makes its way into the OED, I will expect some coin to be thrown my way.
What a great idea, CJ! I have been here almost since the board's inception and remember some of the really good old threads. Once I tried to revive one that was older than 60 days and was unable to. The administrators said that after 60 days we would have to start a new thread and link to the old one. Just a hint if people find a really old thread.
Hint: Our discussion of "elucidate" and "clarify" will rival any such discussion at an Ivy League School. "Velodrome" has more replies than anyone would have imagined. Yes, new members, surf this site and bring up new discussions! If anyone can find anything to say about my forgotten "elegy" thread (the only reply was to myself!), I'll give you a prize!
2) I vote for LTW, rather than the longer version, as that's all I trust myself to remember.
3) "LTW" would be an acronym that shortens your original arcronym. I wonder if there's a term for such a "two-tier acronym", or if there are other examples of it?
I have no idea if I am doing this right, but I am sure someone will let me know if I'm not! Anyway, I have an LTW! I found a wonderful pleasingly plump word. For those of you who are new, that was an earlier thread that is now locked (over 60 days old). Here's the word: pinguescence the process of growing fat.
Very nice. As someone who continually fights against what is commonly known as "middle-age spread," I am tempted to sign off my next letter with "Pinguescently Yours" and see what happens.
Oy Vey, I hate how these threads close down after 60 days. I have too much of a one-track mind for that!
This is in reference to the "Sparks" thread:
Asa, I am still looking for a word for those sparks that are emitted from metal cutting, and this may be as good as it gets:
In my "There's A Word For It" book by Elster, he says that swarf (from the Old Norse sverfa, to file) means the fine metallic particles that accumulate from using a machine tool to grind, sharpen, or cut metal. Then, he says that scintillate means to (among other things) emit sparks.
So--could these sparks be termed swarf scintillations? If so, do I get a prize? You all know what I'd like!
I am on a roll with pleasingly plump words! gaucy a compliment and insult rolled into one: "fat and comely" porknell - "resembling a pig" pursy - "fat and short of breath" blowmaunger - "a person who is fat to the point that his/her cheeks are puffed out"
Frankly, I think Mick Jagger is just ugly.......NOT sexy. ************************************* Were he to impregnate Julia Roberts, their offspring would be all mouth!
BTW, do you people find Roberts to be attractive? To me, she's the prettiest ugly woman around.