What would be the verb for describing someone who is practicing archery? This morning my son said "I haven't arched in months! I'm glad it's almost Spring!"
Cute, huh? But what would be the right way to say that? We settled for saying "I haven't practiced archery in months." But a single word verb would be cooler.
******* "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ~Dalai Lama
Interesting. Come to think of it, what you say is true of almost all other sports. When you participate in baseball, there's no single verb; you play baseball. And similarly for football, basketball, chess, etc.
The only exception I can think of is that a bowler can bowl.
Originally posted by Caterwauller: So I guess an archer just shoots?
As do basketball players and firearms users.
While I haven't looked it up, I guess that archer derives from the arched shape of a bow, so bending a bow would, as your son said, be arching! I say you credit him with establishing a new word that should have been around all along!
So, an arch rival would be someone shooting arrows at you, I suppose...
hic: a bowler can bowl. Kalleh: A skater can skate. A skier can ski. A swimmer can swim. A wrestler can wrestle. A fighter can fight. A pitcher can pitch (in baseball, of course).
All of them individual activities; similarly, a golfer can golf.
So it looks like as a general rule, the verb for "to participate in a given sport" (1) is a variant of the sport name, in individual sports, but (2) needs the word 'play', for team sports.
The sport of archery would be an exception, as would chess, if you consider chess a 'sport'. Any other exceptions?