PAT, PET, PIT, POT, PUT and BAT, BET, BIT, BOT, BUT [where BOT = (1) to borrow, bum; (2) a small computer program] are commonly used by phoneticians because they can be extended to almost all the vowel sounds of English: BEET, BITE, BERT, BOUGHT, BOUT, BATE, BIRD, BEARD, BOYD, BORED, etc.
...and if I'm not mistaken that was the NPR "Puzzle-of-the-week" posed by Will Shortz a couple of months ago!
P_CK is another answer to Willz's (that's "Will" and a short "z") four-letter challenge. As is P_NT, if you allow us to the bridge into French.This message has been edited. Last edited by: haberdasher,