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Discussion Topic  RE: Warning: May contain words! (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
Cissexism? That's a new one for me. I looked it up and found a definition but no etymology. Was t......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Interesting miscommunication (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
I would have asked the head honcho what it meant, but would have asumed, as did you, that the meetin......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick Game: Splatt (in Wordplay) by Geoff
If Bob didn't get one in before departing for his brief holiday I would wait until he returns. Perh......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Wordplay

Discussion Topic  RE: Another wacky headline (in Potpourri) by Geoff
A headline for a gynecologist's convention? ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  Meaningless test? (in Potpourri) by Geoff
From the Wikipedia article on acronyms: SAT(s): ([sæt] or ess-ay-tee) (previously) Scholastic Achie......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Repetitive duplicates (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
And New York, New York - kinda. Didn't Jerome Jerome live there?...
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Repetitive duplicates (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
And in Walla Walla...
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Repetitive duplicates (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
I have no idea why, but I do know that recently they've reported some beri-beri bad diseases. So ge......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Another wacky headline (in Potpourri) by Geoff
I was facetiously alluding to a British beer snob who no longer posts here....
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Morcellation? (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
I guess that explains the Anglo-French mime Morsel Morceau. ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: x-words (in Potpourri) by Geoff
I blame Nathaniel Hawthorne. And then there was A-Rod, which, as we all know, means, "Son of Roderi......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  Morcellation? (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Geoff
Why the use of a "c" in ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing Game: Annwn (in Wordplay) by Geoff
OK, someone, give us a new word!...
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Wordplay

Discussion Topic  RE: Gays Ruin It For Everyone (in Potpourri) by Geoff
It seems to me that an honest employer would have, once learning the word's actual meaning, not diss......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Another wacky headline (in Potpourri) by Geoff
English beer would never do this, y'know. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Another wacky headline (in Potpourri) by Geoff
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing Game: Annwn (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Shucks, B35, I dunno... How's about Stanley, since he knew the right one and fooled someone with hi......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Wordplay

Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing Game: Annwn (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Who posted what 1: My own, which nobody believed. 2 & 3: Bob Hale's, fooling Kalleh. 4: Arnie'......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Wordplay

Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick Game: Splatt (in Wordplay) by Geoff
Since I slept through Hope I've made sure not to miss Splatt; I've sent you a couple....
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Wordplay

Discussion Topic  RE: Cost of the sequester (in Potpourri) by Geoff
They've sequestered all who can punctuate....
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

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