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Discussion Topic  RE: For Those Still Here (in Potpourri) by haberdasher
I like! First smile I've had all day ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
...and now there are two. Agatha Christie is waiting ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
Whatever floats your boat, ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
I ken, but Immenuel Kent....
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Discussion Topic  Next destination: KENT (in Word Games) by haberdasher
That's KENT as in Clark, or in low-tar, low-taste cigarettes, or it's impossible to get here from Br......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Time to admit the facts? (in Word Games) by haberdasher
I'm still here. Much complication in life to deal with so my contributions are down but I check more......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amboise limericks (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Sure. Let's go ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amboise limericks (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Actually, to be consistent Line 5 should have read "...Neither ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amboise limericks (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
...and Honorable Mention to Number Three....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amboise limericks (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
It's not easy to pick from what's here, and my preference isn't that clear. But from choices this g......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick Game: Amboise (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Well, there's Perth Amboy and South Amboy (NJ, flanking the Raritan River), and I saw at least three......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick Game: Amboise (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Clarification requested: Do you mean that to be pronounced like English "AM-boys," or Frenchish "om-......
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Discussion Topic  RE: York, the voting place (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
<Drumroll, please> ___________________________ 1. A naked pole dancer of York Once twisted an......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Plus ça change . . . (in The Written Word) by haberdasher
Ah, me. Sad, and too true. The Borscht Belt hasn't been the same ever since. And even before. Grossi......
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Discussion Topic  RE: York, the voting place (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Interesting. So far there's a two-way tie, so I'll muddy the waters further and elevate Number 4. ......
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Discussion Topic  York, the voting place (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
1 A naked pole dancer of York Once twisted and spun with such torque That the pole came unpegged And......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amish country Limerick (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
Congratulations, and have a wonderful time! I'll post the submissions on Sunday....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amish country Limerick (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
As A A Milne wrote, Now We Are Six. Any further efforts? B35? Kalleh? Shu? Anybody have an email ad......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amish country Limerick (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
And there's Three, from the gentleman in the front. And Four. Do I hear Five?...
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Discussion Topic  RE: Amish country Limerick (in Wordplay) by haberdasher
…and I don’t yet have what I have to have, too. But indeed I have two. Do I hear three?...
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