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Discussion Topic  The Oxford comma (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
A question was recently raised on OEDILF about the use of the Oxford comma (a comma before a conjunc......
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Discussion Topic  RE: bed clothing (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "...Just skin to sleep in.... never! How unprotected!!! ..." Is this a US thing, maybe? Altho......
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Discussion Topic  RE: European Babel (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
This is one reason why many citizens of the UK don't want to be in the EU. It is a profligate and in......
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Discussion Topic  RE: bed clothing (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "...What do you Brits call your pajamas or nightgowns?..." We call our pajamas, pyjamas....
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Discussion Topic  RE: "Neck" (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Thinking back over a lot of years I seem to recall that necking was the name we lads gave to what on......
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Discussion Topic  RE: ONLIEST (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
The "onliest", like the "very unique", does not and cannot exist as a sensible descriptor....
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Poll  RE: Ambition (in The Written Word) by Richard English
My COED says: Brit. Slang. 1. Sink a ship (or its crew) 2. Defeat or ruin (a plan etc) 3. Kill. 19t......
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Poll  RE: Ambition (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Scupper means "to deliberately sink a vessel". And I do, I agree, mention Cuba on occasions to my A......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Cosmology (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Maybe they want to regulate the universe. After all, it's so inconvenient in many ways right now - r......
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Discussion Topic  RE: To coin a phrase (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Quote, "...Jerry, I think the concern was that "these people" meant that I was separating them from ......
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Poll  RE: Ambition (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Quote "...I think more effective and better-educated nurses, who work in a collaborative way with ph......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Gestures (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "...In the latter case, I always find myself backing up and backing up until I hit the wall!........
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Poll  RE: Ambition (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Remember, we live in a "demand-driven" society and that system seems likely very soon to replace the......
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Discussion Topic  RE: To coin a phrase (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Quote, "...wholeheartedly endorse the use of "you all", or as I prefer it, "y'all", because English ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Comic Germanicisms (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Quote "...then do we use all those accents (forgive my stupidity for not knowing what they are all c......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Gestures (in Potpourri) by Richard English
There are several books on this topic, the one by Desmond Morris entitled "Bodytalk: The Meaning of ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: B-movies, Bible-bashing and Larry Buchanan (in Potpourri) by Richard English
If you want to hear some wonderful bible-bashers just go to Speakers' Corner any Sunday afternoon. N......
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Discussion Topic  RE: like a broken record (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
It might have been more familiar had I spelt it correctly ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Luxurious Names (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "...I remember the story of Chevrolet's Nova car not selling in Mexico. No one could figure ou......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Die, damn you ! Die ! (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Die, along with agendum, medium and criterion are singulars that I always use....
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