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Discussion Topic  RE: Limerick Game: Dublin (in Wordplay) by arnie
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Discussion Topic  RE: Eponyms Redux (in The Vocabulary Forum) by arnie
I've just read that Madoff was being investigated by two different branches of the Securities and Ex......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Vocabulary Forum

Discussion Topic  RE: Health (in Potpourri) by arnie
They might have fixed this. Proof's link gives no results for me. I also tried "AIDS" as mentioned i......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: US/UK spelling (in Questions & Answers about Words) by arnie
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: The BBC Style Guide (in The Written Word) by arnie
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Discussion Topic  RE: Words from Erroneous Science (in The Vocabulary Forum) by arnie
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Discussion Topic  RIP Ted Kennedy (in The Written Word) by arnie
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  London's Romeo and Juliet (in Potpourri) by arnie
This has no connection with words, except peripherally. London has two* free (that is, supported by......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Front Room (in Questions & Answers about Words) by arnie
The idea of the drawing room originated with the upper classes. After dinner (in the dining room) th......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Front Room (in Questions & Answers about Words) by arnie
I'm with John. The 'front room', the one that was kept for show, was the one facing the street in my......
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Discussion Topic  RE: An aboriginal by any other name (in Questions & Answers about Words) by arnie
Australian aborigines tend to prefer "Aboriginals" (with a capital "A") apparently. There has been a......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Eponyms Redux (in The Vocabulary Forum) by arnie
"Ponzi scheme" is an eponym. Madoff ran a Ponzi scheme....
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bluffing game - abligurition (in Wordplay) by arnie
They all look completely fake to me. On the assumption that one of them is true, though, I'll go for......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Postpositive Adjectives (in The Vocabulary Forum) by arnie
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Discussion Topic  RE: Villanelle (in The Written Word) by arnie
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Discussion Topic  RE: Quote on "English Humor" (in Potpourri) by arnie
I'd say that Spike Milligan was as British as anyone. As Richard says, Ireland was part of the Unite......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Quote on "English Humor" (in Potpourri) by arnie
I've only read Mikes's ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Murphy's Laws for Wordcraft (in Wordplay) by arnie
There is an adage known as ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: For Know-it-alls (in Word Games) by arnie
They do also employ Lapp dancers....
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Discussion Topic  Washington Post Style Invitational limerick contest (in Wordplay) by arnie
Proofreader has already mentioned that this contest has started in ......
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