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Discussion Topic  Daft question, but I loved the answer (in Potpourri) by BobHale
I was at a compulsory training day yesterday. There was one good session but for the most part it wa......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Why isn't Hispanic origin a race? (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
This is something I always find interesting at enrolment time. Our forms, like all the other college......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Poll  Tipton Voting (in Wordplay) by BobHale
It looks like no one else wants to try so here are the Tipton Limericks. Voting below. 1 Please vo......
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Discussion Topic  Google Buzz explained (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Caution: Contains strong language ......
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Discussion Topic  Limerick Game: Tipton (in Wordplay) by BobHale
The local town next to mine is called Tipton - stress on the first syllable, schwa sound in the seco......
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Discussion Topic  Incompatible (in Potpourri) by BobHale
In an item about Nikki Sinclaire's expulsion from UKIP (a British fringe political party) I heard th......
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Discussion Topic  Huh? (in Potpourri) by BobHale
One of the students in my ESOL class today showed me a letter from the job centre to explain why he ......
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Discussion Topic  Oh yes there is. (in Potpourri) by BobHale
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Discussion Topic  RE: Newpaper articles of interest - Part II (in The Written Word) by BobHale
The second of those stories has been dissected at length by Jack of Kent. ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  A pinch of salt (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
Twice, yesterday I heard television presenters use the expression "take it with a pinch of salt". No......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  Surrogate outcomes in education (in The Written Word) by BobHale
I wondered if anyone would like to read and comment on the essay I've just posted on my blog. I'll ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  Body language (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Is body language so instinctive that we can't help ourselves, even when no one is watching? I ask be......
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Discussion Topic  A new low? (in Potpourri) by BobHale
A news story that passed me by this week until it was mentioned on a new panel show this evening, wa......
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Discussion Topic  Strictly for the mathematically incompetent (in Potpourri) by BobHale
When dealing with numbers it's easy to choose your words to bewilder those with low numeracy skills.......
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Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Agreed. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
And I completely agree with you. 100% But there is always a but. One place that the IPA is used, pr......
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Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
But his kind of makes my point. I have absolutely no idea what /ʕaːl/ or /pʼχʷɬtʰ/ sound like as th......
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Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
As an English teacher, to some extent, I agree with Richard on this. I think that all he is trying t......
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Discussion Topic  Hitler and Ofsted (in Potpourri) by BobHale
In view of our Ofsted inspection, one of my colleagues sent me ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
And once more, in my neck of the woods, its Feb-ree and Lie-bree...
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