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Discussion Topic  RE: Newspaper articles of interest (in The Written Word) by BobHale
Further message to arnie! For example I can't see anything on the first page of this thread but I c......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  Message for arnie in wrong forum (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
I've put this here because the problem at the moment appears to be with the community forum where I ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  Surely a joke (in Potpourri) by BobHale
I'm watching a news item about the collapse of ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  A poem... (in The Written Word) by BobHale
...about the Kumusan Memorial Palace, the mausoleum of Kim Il Sung, that I just posted on my blog. ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  Assorted people on Strunk and White (in Potpourri) by BobHale
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Discussion Topic  RE: Redlighting (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
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Discussion Topic  Alice in Wonderland (in Potpourri) by BobHale
I have a google alert set to notify me on mentions of "Alice in Wonderland". Today I find that it ha......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  Simpsons (in Potpourri) by BobHale
I saw about the last thirty seconds of the Simpsons today while changing channels. It was a courtroo......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  Seems it's June 8th now (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Our old friends over at G. L. M. were on TV again this morning, on the BBC, who are the latest ones ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Two of those surprise me, /'ʃɛʤəl/ and /'skɛdəl/. I've never heard either of those and the second sy......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Unscientific, I know, but my gut feeling is that I hear both about equally in Birmingham. When I spe......
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Discussion Topic  literally "literally"! (in The Written Word) by BobHale
Today's "......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
I know humour is very personal, but what makes me laugh isn't Ricky Gervais. (The Office was sort of......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
We don't have nearly as many choices but what we do have is defaults. Coffee means ordinary coffee, ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Reminded me of this from my "Anyone Can Do It" blog. There is a game you can play when you eat out ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Should we get rid of words? (in Questions & Answers about Words) by BobHale
The title made me think of a whole world populated by white-faced mime artists. I'm still shuddering......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  What exactly constitutes "advertising"? (in Potpourri) by BobHale
What, exactly, constitutes an advertisement as opposed to, say, a news item? I ask because of an ite......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  A bit of German that I found interesting (in Potpourri) by BobHale
I occasionally read a number of online sites to practise my German and I was briefly diverted by thi......
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Discussion Topic  Rebranding (in Potpourri) by BobHale
Apparently the Sci-Fi Channel is rebranding as the SyFy channel, a name that means nothing when you ......
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