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Discussion Topic  RE: Varieties of Written Works (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Richard English
Quote "It is a revelation to learn of Ms. Anderson's literary talent" I read recently that Elvis Pr......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Vocabulary Forum

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "...So, is the word "movie" never used in England? For example, do you have "home movies?..." ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Phrases from French (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Richard English
Quote "...I just meant a funny, upper-class English public schoolboy construction like Bertie Wooste......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Special Word of the Moment (in Potpourri) by Richard English
I don't know how it is in the USA but in England we might preen ourselves - physically or figurative......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Son of Double Dactyls (in The Written Word) by Richard English
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Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Remind me, when I have a little more time, to tell you what W C Fields had to say about water......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Gender: his/her/your/their (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Quote "...I'd guess it would be difficult to do without "he" and "she" in descriptions of people..........
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "...I found this water calculator online that shows that I need ten 12-oz glasses of water dai......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "...It's a long-standing puzzle, in fact..." Indeed. I was trying to put the matter simply bu......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Gender: his/her/your/their (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
I consider that it is one of our language's great strengths that it has no gender in its nouns (and ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Gender: his/her/your/their (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
In the prevailing climate of political correctness, the pronoun he, which had filled the role of the......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: British vs. American English (in Potpourri) by Richard English
Quote "... Oh...the Brits don't pronounce their "h's" according to him, so what he was saying "Greyh......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Potpourri

Discussion Topic  RE: Son of Double Dactyls (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Quote "...then I suppose you have to go back to when the first culture invented the ball. Most sport......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  RE: Son of Double Dactyls (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Quote "...Therefore, it makes it quite logical that you don't know from where the different sports e......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > The Written Word

Discussion Topic  RE: Son of Double Dactyls (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Quote, "...the only one here who hadn't heard of him..." If by "here" you mean the USA, then that's......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Son of Double Dactyls (in The Written Word) by Richard English
Quote "...[I know that no one here likes basketball..." I don't think it's a question of likes or d......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Lerning to spel is crewshul (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Quote "...Has that ever happened in any other mature language..." I understand that Webster managed......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: The world's funniest joke? (in Wordplay) by Richard English
Quote "..."So Bob, where's that 8 inches you promised me last night?" ..." Last Tuesday, in Qatar, ......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Wordplay

Discussion Topic  RE: Lerning to spel is crewshul (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Interestingly one of the most logical things about English (and I am sure one of the reasons for its......
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Poll  RE: 'concrete' - pronunciation? regional? (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Richard English
Difficult, yes. But try stressing the final syllable - as in "discrete" and you will probably agree ......
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