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Discussion Topic  RE: Ethnic slurs of the Classical Greeks (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Not to be confused with Laocoönic......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Ethnic slurs of the Classical Greeks (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
If recollection serves, the Boeotians(from the polis of Platea) were the only Greeks to join the Ath......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Oxonian (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
Asa begins what might become a fine flood of Greek humor. To staunch the flow, I confess the refere......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Oxonian (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
PS: Anyone interested in the Cleopatra joke involving Greek surnames may inquire by private message......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  RE: Oxonian (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
We often see "ite" as a place identifier -- Brooklynite and Manhattanite. Of course with my own sur......
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Poll  RE: Pronunciation of "schadenfreude" (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
Well, it's an interesting question, shufitz. I'VE always pronounced "bitter envy..."...
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Discussion Topic  Unusual Word from Newspaper business (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
When I can't find a word, I know where to ask... The Village Voice (NY) writes today (8/17) -- "A ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Varieties of Written Works (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Pace Seanahan, not all science fiction is thoughtful. I believe we can make sharp contrast between,......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Varieties of Written Works (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
The bonus word, 'entwicklungsroman,' has one each, of the ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: The Color of Words (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
“The colours red, blue and green are real. The colour yellow is a mystical experience shared by ever......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Detective Descriptors (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
Kudos to kat! (With apologies -- less of an orthographic wrench than 'Cudos to cat') The list is u......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Detective Descriptors (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
Thanks arnie. I meant to credit you for new descriptors, and aput for names. List updated accordin......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Varieties of Written Works (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
There is a category at the extreme end - the ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Detective Descriptors (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
Updated list credits Hic and Arnie for their identifications and additions. Arnie remembers even mo......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Detective Descriptors (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
Hic et ubique is right on the mark. I in turn would hazard that Arnie's elderly detective was Barna......
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Discussion Topic  RE: The Color of Words (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
Two neat links to what I learn is the Stroop test... ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: The Color of Words (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
kalleh's opening disclaimer "not the color of color words" reminds me of a test on psychological int......
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Discussion Topic  Detective Descriptors (in Potpourri) by Robert Arvanitis
After an excess of youthful television viewing a list arises spontaneously. Namely, detectives in f......
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Discussion Topic  Unambiguous Ambiguities (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Sometimes there's is just no arguing that a term is ambiguous. I offer "moped." Does that refer to......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Varieties of Written Works (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
wordcrafter Not unlike the ketchup slogan, I await more varieties. Here of course for written works......
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