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Discussion Topic  RE: Untranslatable (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
We seem to agree, repeatedly, that nothing is truly untranslatable even if, in BobHale's words, it t......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Untranslatable (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
zmježd is right, in the end nothing is untranslatable. However, it's not clear that all the cultura......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Untranslatable (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
Kalleh - you are quite correct that anything can in principle be translated. In a different context......
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Discussion Topic  Untranslatable (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
A search for "untranslatable" here yields pages of entries. Not sure if we've ever had one on terms......
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Discussion Topic  RE: from the news (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
WHAT is being raised is the same -- pilus, hair. HOW it is being raised differs. Erect relates to ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Bird-Words (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
No view on the validity of the claim, but some observers say they see proof of a Japanese mini sub i......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Miscellaneous words (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
For many years Obama's colleagues brayed on about the "well-funded" and "secure" "Social Security lo......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Miscellaneous words (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Quite literally "wing man." In the US in particular, a wing man is a best friend. When a fellow wa......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Miscellaneous words (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Not to be confused with Dagon......
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Discussion Topic  "Yes, but can you make it THIS small?!" (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
Ran across an article about the smallest legible font. ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Words that Sound Dirty, but Aren't (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Well, this one is borderline. The Latin stem serves for "castle." the "*chester" ending of certain......
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Discussion Topic  Why so dead? (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
There are a number of expressions with "dead" as an unlikely modifier: dead certain dead eye dead g......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Chambers Gigglossary (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Those gifts are for trading! Old story of two friends on the commodities market Their job was to ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Chambers Gigglossary (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Rosbif, biftek, le weekend, shampooing, le smoking... Rather like Monte Python's Holy Grail: "Engli......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Chambers Gigglossary (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Not to be confused with the similarly boisterous "mafeking." See, for example, ......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Chambers Gigglossary (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
A great favorite of mine - "chrestomathy." Phrases rather than individual words, but still a pleasi......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Floral Terms (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
So if dandelions are a natural diuretic (http://www.safesupplements.co.uk/why-dandelion-natural-diur......
Wordcraft Home Page > Wordcraft Community Home Page > Forums > Questions & Answers about Words

Discussion Topic  Floral Terms (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
Interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal, on the origins of floral terms. ......
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Discussion Topic  Inseparable words versus separts (in Questions & Answers about Words) by Robert Arvanitis
There are a number of words where the "separated" form is unable to stand alone. For example, while......
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Discussion Topic  RE: Abraham Lincoln (in The Vocabulary Forum) by Robert Arvanitis
Speaking of "-cracy," we've have "mobocracy" above, and we all know "aristocracy," but it's not too ......
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