Member Target word:
If the vaudeville show isn't funny, was it the ENDMAN'S FAULT ?
After five days it's time for a clue.
The SEATTLE MINI SIX were too short on knowledge to debate the fundamentals of literary genres.
Member FUNDAMENTALS Do you think Cronos had a
This message has been edited. Last edited by: TrossL , November 18, 2007 15:26
Member Isn't TITAN SEX SMILE plus another I the same as SEATTLE MINI SIX ? Just checking for clerical errors before I spend too much time on it...
Member Hmmm... no wonder it sprang off the top of my head so easily... jeez... let me think for a second... I'll be right back.
Member My mother's sister is not from the west and she's got a real trash mouth.?? AUNT EAST DUSTBIN I swear... the trying to come up with something witty to say (and failing miserably) is harder than the actual game!
Member AUNT EAST DUSTBIN unsubstantiatedIF I'D EVER
Member (See? That wasn't so hard!)
Member IF I'D EVER verifiedDEFICITS? NA!!
Member DEFICITS? NA sanctified
SUMO SHOT UP Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member hint... it ends with "iveness"
Member Well, it can be made into INGRESSIVENESS , though I confess it looks to me more like a string of prefixes and suffixes than a word. How about GIANT INGVALL ?
Member GIANT INGVALL What the heck does that mean? Stop gallivanting around and give us a challenging word! Jo's usually anorexic looking but lately she's starting to put on weight?JO'S BLOAT'S BEEN NICE
Member There's -ATION and -LESS and -NESS and BANJO- and ENJOIN- and... That J keeps getting in the way. All I have so far is JANIE'S COBBLESTONE.
Member If you don't object to suffixes, you'll be fine...
Member quote:
Thanks for the clue, TrossL... First one of these I've had the pleasure of solving in 6 mos at least! Used to think I was good at anagrams until I joined Wordcrafter...
This message has been edited. Last edited by: bethree5 , December 23, 2007 09:40 Posts: 2605 | Location: As they say at 101.5FM: Not New York... Not Philadelphia... PROUD TO BE NEW JERSEY!
Member SO SLIM BEAUTY abstemiously
Frank's a long way off in Jamaica?
A FAR SINATRA Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member So far, everything I've tried has only been MISLEEDDINNG !
Member Yup, I gave up on it, too; is it only one (non-proper noun) word?
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member For a moment thought I'd had an inspiration with "Middle-English" but then I had to say the H with that... Then I tried all sorts of variants of -singed and -signed and -designed and of course got nowhere. If you put me on a boat with a lot of junior officers I will find the MIDDLE ENSIGN. If you fool me in a game of rummy I will be MISLED, GINNED --------------------------------- Ignore all of the above - I see I should have been more SINGLE-MINDED ! Whew. Nice one!
Member OK. Just to get us back into practice: how about a glass of RICE MILK
Member RICE MILK limerick We all LEARN BY doing...
Member LEARN BY blarney
Short black furry skirts?
SABLE MINIS Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member BALMINESS Around here it's more like YIGI DRIFT
Member No, that's not right. I take it back. There's only one i in balminess, and two in sable minis.
Member OK, it's LESBIANISM . I'll stick withYIGI DRIFT .
Member YIGI DRIFT frigidity
Lucky charm
CASINO AMULET Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member EMASCULATION [edit: spelling]
I'm not sure I still have the balls to offer this next one:
COSTUME TRANCE (as opposed to COSTUME ILANA, of course)
This message has been edited. Last edited by: haberdasher , January 24, 2008 19:12
Member COSTUME TRANCE accoutrements
NIECE'S LLAMA is marrying beneath her.
Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member Ah yes. I thought "COSTUME TRANCE" had all the trappings af a tough one. Good job, arnie! (COSTUME ILANA was another anagram of "emasculation.") Yours is MESALLIANCE , clued by the definition. Do you know the properties of CARBIDES ? Or at least what they're widely thought to be?
Member CARBIDES "ascribed" Don't forget the TOP STAIR squeaks!
Member ...with another R it would be PORTRAITS... This way it's PROTISTA - phylum of one-celled animals - but is that what you had in mind?
Member No, I was thinking of PATRIOTS... who lost big time!
Member Ah, yes. The Giants wanted it more, the Patriots' line was for whatever reason over-matched, the quarterback may have been not up to snuff in other ways as well, and I think they were simply out-coached on this occasion. It's only a game, but nevertheless there is no joy in Mudville.
Member Eli Manning was spectacular.... Brady lost his nerve. It was a good game.... I remember Archie Manning from college....
Member I don't think he lost his nerve, rather his offensive line was completely overwhelmed. He was sacked how many times, and tackled how many more after throwing? The miracle is they only lost by three points! Be that as it may, nobody got your target so you're still up if you'd like to be. May we have the next question, please?
Member Nature abhors... Smashing new outfit raises ballet dancer's self esteem:TUTU PRIDE
Member TUTU PRIDE turpitude
Boo-Boo jealous?
RESENT YOGI Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member Funny how I've never come across "turpitude" except with the epithet "moral".RESENT YOGI is GENEROSITY. Let's not go into this bar; I want music but the sign says "NO MARIACH'S " Not even for the MARASCHINO cherries, even though they're there too.
Member NO MARIACH'S harmonicas
ACE PSI MYTHS Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member ACE PSI MYTHS METAPHYSICS Never did enjoy climbing to the top of the Köln cathedral... ACH ! STAIRS !
Member ACH STAIRS catharsis
Buffalo Bill
REPELS BISON Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.
Member REPELS BISON responsibleTOY SERUM IS hard to understand.
Member Gee, I didn't think this one would need a clue. It really shouldn't _be_ very hard to figure out!